A Healthy Approach to Stress!

Stress is a very popular complaint today. People often complain they feel stressed. What is 'Stress'? People often use the word 'stress' when they mean pressure. For many people, including health professionals, pressure and stress have become synonymous. Stress is even diagnosed as a disorder or illness. This is neither an accurate or healthy perception.

Pressure is the application of force on something or someone. With this definition, you can see pressure is neither good nor bad. The right amount of pressure when exercising can develop your muscles, tone your body and make you look attractive. Pressure can be good for you. You are always going to have some type of pressure in your life.

Many people thrive on pressure - even stress. Many people are under very high pressure all day every day, yet they don't feel stressed at all. They interpret their surroundings and employment as something they love doing. For them, this pressure gives an exhilarating sense of competence and accomplishment. In this form of pressure, you might feel 'in the zone' or 'turned onto' a situation.

However, psychological or spiritual stress is harmful to you. So, when does pressure turn into stress? The short answer is: never. Pressure is always pressure. People often interpret pressure as stress. This interpretation takes place in your mind. As a society we have turned what is a normal interpretive process into something we call 'Stress'. This stress is a very normal reaction to the interpretation of certain pressures in your life. This 'stress' also obscures the choices you can see available and you start to lose your power.

When you feel forced to do something you don't want to do or you interpret something you're doing as damaging or painful, you begin to resist it. We've all heard someone complain about being a 'wage-slave' and how they feel trapped in employment they are resisting. If you are in this situation, you are going to work with a heightened level of tension in your body, which feels uncomfortable. This is the feeling of being disempowered. Naturally, you start resisting this tension and you lose harmony or acceptance.

Your blood pressure starts to climb, your cortisol levels increase and that's the physical danger of this form of damaging stress. Mentally, you also lose sight of the choices available to you. Instead of thinking about a change of employment where you could connect emotionally and feel more peace, you force yourself to go to work to 'pay the bills' and eventually you are affected physically. You can even get very sick. Cardiac illness, diabetes and stroke are much higher in people who live with high levels of stress.

Your stress will disappear immediately whenever you fully accept any activity you are doing. It is not the activity that gives you stress. It is your interpretation of the pressure you experience. When you experience stress, you are communicating to yourself at a very deep level that perhaps you shouldn't be doing something. It is a sign that something is out of sync for you.

Whenever you accept fully whatever you are involved in, you take back your own power. Your stress levels are reduced immediately. After accepting whatever is happening and you want to change it, that's ok. You are empowered to change things.

Take back your own power and say "okay, I'm accepting this situation right here right now and I would like to do something else now." You have harmonised your energy, empowered yourself and things start to shift. From this clear space, you begin to see hope and new opportunities.

Tips for Getting Rid of Stress
Become Authentic - Get real, get authentic and focus on getting really honest about who you are and what you want to do in life. Apply a great degree of self-honesty. If you are lying to yourself at some level, even unconsciously, that will keep you from being fully present in whatever you are doing. This translates into stress.

Be present here and now - Breathing techniques will help you become present to this moment, here and now. You can be fully accepting of the situation, even if you don't like it. When you are fully present, you can change the situation more skillfully. More resources become available to you.

Notice what strengths you've been enjoying doing and keep doing those to the best of your abilities - Reflect on what you are good at and on what you enjoy doing. Those are your strengths. Build on those strengths. Focus on those things, rather than on things you think you should be better at. Work on your strengths so that you become all that you can be.

Get real clarity about your path and purpose. CatalystBreakthru

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Easy Ways To Reduce Stress Today

Do you go home every single day feeling extremely tired? If yes then you are probably suffering from stress. You are not alone. There are millions of people who are trying their best to help reduce stress in their lives. Many are not successful, perhaps because they tend to forget how to simplify their methods.

This is because there are many easy-to-follow stress management activities that we can all do. You do not need the most expensive gadgets and the latest food supplements to keep you calm and relaxed. Often the only thing you need is time. Yes, you must allocate maybe 30 minutes to an hour each day for such activities.

So to help you in your goal to reduce stress from your life, I have listed below some tips you may want to follow.

Meditation is a good technique you can immediately try wherever you may be. Whether you are at work or in your home, you only need a few minutes just to try this one. Get a quiet room that you can use by yourself so you will have the least amount of distraction. The simplest way to do this is to just sit down, close your eyes and indulge in the complete silence. This is one type of natural stress relief method that is worth a try.

Try a massage. It has always been a tried and tested technique to help relieve the stress from your body. There are many types of massages but the most popular ones are Swedish massage, shiatsu, hot stone, and Thai massage. It is best that you consult with your therapist to know which massage is ideal for your needs.

Go out with your friends. Perhaps it has been quite a long time since you last had a nice chat with your buddies. Now is the time to do it. Let your friends help you in relieving your stress even if they are not aware that they are doing it. A lunch out or a dinner with them might be just the right kind of activity you need.

And lastly, try to smile a lot. Smiling is a great way to relax and will help you feel positive the rest of the day. And not only that, you can gain new friends simply by smiling. Many people want to know how to be happy when in fact all they really need to do is to smile.

So there you have it. These are just some of the tips you may want to try to help reduce stress today. What is important is you do something right now or else you risk of suffering even more when you could have already get rid of stress from your life.

Try the best stress management activities for a healthier you. There are natural stress relief techniques for this purpose.

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3 Seconds to See What Stress Is And How to End It

In three seconds, you are engaged in reading this article, your life has changed and you are completely stress-free.

You are stress-free because you are focused on the current moment, the here and now. Your life changing knowledge is that all stress is outside of the here and now.

Now you know how to end stress, by staying focused on the current moment. When you live in the current moment, stress is nowhere to be found. But when you think about the past or predict the future, you open the door to stress. That is also where you will find anger, sadness and fear.

Did you ever imagine such a simple solution to living completely stress-free? If you believe me, that this is the key to ending your stress, then you are probably focused on the current moment, and you are the proof it's true.

If you doubt that the way to end stress is this easy, you are basing that on past experience (includes "gut feeling") or a future prediction.

If you think about the stress in your life in recent times, is it really at this moment, like you are trapped in a burning building, or is it because of past experience or future prediction?

People often blame their stress on a relationship, job, finances and bad experiences, to name a few. People or circumstances do not cause stress. It is caused by your reaction to people or circumstances.

Do you remember when you were a kid, stress-free and happy? You were focused on the current moment. How about when you are engaged in your favorite activities? You are stress-free and happy, right? Isn't that the way you want to feel all of the time?

If you think about all the times when you are stress-free and happy, that is the reason why - you are living in the here and now. Whether it be reading a book, having sex, playing cards, eating something awesome or meditating. Now, do you believe me?

If you are like most people, you probably won't believe that the key to stress-free happiness can be yours simply by living in the current moment. So why haven't you known this all along? It has a lot to do with what you have been taught - that stress is part of life and you just need to control it. It simply isn't true.

Stress is not part of my life. It doesn't have to be part of yours or anyone's life. You didn't start your life that way, did you? Stress can be completely ended. Stay with me, here in the current moment, and I will tell you how. But first, take a moment to savor this moment. Take a deep breath in and let it out slowly, as you experience stress-free unconditional happiness.

The current moment is perfect. Even if you are doing something awful, it can be perfectly awful. The best part is, this is your inherent true nature. You don't have to do anything to achieve it. It is always with you. You are inherently stress-free and unconditionally happy. The here and now is also where you find pure truth and honesty, like this article. I don't want you to take my word for it. You be the judge.

You worry about the future and dwell on the past, don't you? So the challenge is going to be training your mind to live in the here and now. Luckily, our minds are easy to train with a method it easily understands. You can begin right here, right now. Are you ready to end your stress?

Begin by paying closer attention to your attention. Concentrate on what you are doing and be aware if your mind starts to drift. Whenever you get unwanted thoughts of the past or future, acknowledge them by saying, "Thinking of the past" or "Thinking of the future." Then bring your attention back to what you were doing at that moment and say, "I want to live in the here and now." It won't be long until you are instantly aware and make the correction. Be patient with yourself. You have been drifting for a long, long time.

Common thoughts that pull you away from the current moment and cause stress, have a lot to do with expectations for yourself or perceived expectations of others. Thoughts like, "I've got to get this done by __" or "I can't do everything" or "She expects miracles from me" or "I can't handle one more thing to go wrong" or "I don't know how he does it, I guess I'm not good enough" or "How can I do that, plus everything else I have to do?" You can acknowledge thoughts like this by saying, "Awful thought."

In summary, you are undergoing the training method I call, "Thought Watching." It is three easy steps: Observe, Acknowledge and Let it go. When you do this, you will be letting go of stress. You will be rewarded for your efforts, every step of the way, because you will be living in the here and now, stress-free and happy. It's a beautiful thing.

Kurt Arrow, Personal Achievement Consultant. A psychology major and over forty years experience was only the beginning. Kurt's spiritual enlightenment gave him a deep and profound understanding of human nature, making him uniquely qualified to offer, not only knowledge, but wisdom. He has devoted his life to helping others achieve stress-free unconditional happiness. Kurt is a consultant, motivational speaker and holds happiness seminars around the world. His 12 Day Self-improvement program is easy to understand, quick to learn and offers immediate results. The life changing first three days are free on the website at http://happiness-for-sale.com/ so please stop in for a visit today.

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Emotional Wellbeing: Bounce

When your emotional wellbeing suffers a blow, see life through the eyes of a child. One delighting in the fun of a trampoline: they bounce, flip, fall, and bounce again. Anytime you find yourself feeling helpless, see life's circumstances as cyclical, a bounce, flip, and fall away... from bouncing again. Here are a few lessons to keep you moving forward.

Stay Flexible

Life is easier when you're flexible. Angela, a dear friend, worked for a company that would eliminate her job within six months. Her entire career was focused on a specific set of skills. Instead of being fearful she became flexible. Angela spent a few hours each evening learning about real estate and appraisals. She stayed flexible and new doors opened. For your emotional wellbeing... stay flexible.

Stay Focused

One of the hardest things to do is to do less. Busy doesn't equal effective. It equals busy. As they say in Star Wars, "Stay on target," and your focused efforts will make you feel more confident and in control. You may face a problem that appears unshakable, a challenge that seems insurmountable, but know this, laser vision focus works wonders.

Stay In the Present

When your emotional wellbeing is struck, remember every difficulty is followed by ease. Every path of difficulty must end with ease. So, stay in the present. See the beauty of today. Notice what gifts lie in this moment, because in reality, it's the only moment you really own. And, when times get tough, as they sometimes do, see yourself on that trampoline: you'll bounce, flip, fall, and bounce again.

Copyright 2012. Asia Sharif-Clark All rights reserved.

I'm Asia Sharif-Clark. In 90 days, I take women from overworked and overwhelmed to relaxed and energized. And, that's just the beginning.
Enjoy a free gift: "26 Love Lessons for your Heart & Soul" http://www.centeredselfworldwide.com/

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How To Deal With Corporate Stress

When you arrive home from work, how many times have you exclaimed, "I'm stressed out"? Occasionally? Constantly? For years? Regardless of the answer, too many people continue to respond inappropriately because they have never considered the source of the problem.

We presume the exclamation is work related, but why? In today's corporate workplace with challenging times and a downsized economy, each of us encounters increasing distress. Yes, the word is really "distress" and not "stress".

The word stress originally came into common English usage via Old French and Middle English as distress. The first syllable eventually was lost through slurring just as children turn because into cause. The two words, stress and distress are totally different.

Activity associated with stress may be pleasant or unpleasant. Distress is always disagreeable! Stress is not something to be avoided...it cannot be avoided.

When we say someone is under stress, we actually mean under excessive stress or distress.... just as the statement "He is running a temperature" refers to an abnormally high temperature; i.e., fever. Similarly, no matter what you do or what happens to you, there arises a demand for the necessary energy required to maintain life, to resist aggression, and to adapt to constantly changing external influences. Even while fully relaxed and asleep, you are under some stress; your heart must continue to pump blood, your intestines to digest last night's dinner, and your muscles to move your chest for respiration; even your brain is not at rest while you are dreaming.

It is clear that since all stressors have some specific effects, they cannot always elicit exactly the same response. And even the same stimulus will act differently in different individuals, depending upon the internal and external conditioning factors, which determine how each will react. Stress factors will affect physiology and pathology.

Do not suppress stress! Importantly, however, you should suppress the response!

Hans Selye, Doctor of Psychology and Medicine, conceived, "Physiological stress is a response to any type of demand made on the body."

Whatever the problem, it can be met only through one of two basic reaction forms:

1. Actively...through fight

2. Passively.... by running away or putting up with it.

So, teach yourself to respond creatively to your distress. Do not run away from your stress. Identify the source of your distress and fight to correct it. Once you correctly discover your problem, make a change and get away from it. Achieve difference with the stress and you will improve your professional distresses and make yourself a better person socially. You'll like yourself better as will your family and friends.

Once you respond creatively to stress, then, I'll teach you methods of relaxation through diet and exercise. Don't be alarmed! Diet refers to three good meals daily. Exercise refers to gym workouts and running or walking to improve your cardiovascular strengths. Personally for Smith, gym workouts are as much mental as physical. If you feel better physically, you'll feel better mentally and force your brain to function maximally. Relaxation techniques will assist you in freedom from major stressors.

We always incur stress and distress. If you believe people with whom you work or play have no distress, take their pulse. If they have no pulse, they have no stress!

James' applications are designed for companies and organizations that will accept his challenges to aggressively outperform their competitors with quality customer service. These accomplishments are achieved with integrity.

From a 55-minute keynote to multiple day programming and consulting, James Smith researches and delivers to you the best information and training to elevate you and your company to the maximum levels of performance and success.

To learn more about James, visit http://www.smithspeaks.com/.

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Stress-Reduction Techniques for Relaxation

I had a very stressful life for many years and it affected my life to a great extent. Then I started to practice meditation daily. It changed my entire life completely. Let me share some reasons why you should use this proven stress reduction technique for healthy life. Stress can cause all kinds of health issues and steal joy out of your life. Too much stress affects our daily life as well as our physical body.

When we have stress many symptoms can occur within our bodies:
Our heart rate increases, and we may experience occasional palpitationsOur breathing rate becomes fasterOur muscles get tense and our body feels exceptionally tightOur bodies start producing adrenaline and cortisol to cope with fight or flight syndromesOur immune system becomes impairedOur blood pressure risesOur digestive system becomes upset, leading to a tense feeling in the core of our stomachOur muscles ache

The best way to overcome stress is to practice relaxation. There are many methods of practicing relaxation. The best way to practice relaxation is meditation. Meditation has been proven as an effective stress-reduction technique. Even nowadays, doctors are advocating regular practice of mediation to deal with stress. Regular practice of meditation can help you eliminate your stress level completely and it will help your body become healthier.

You may think that meditation will take too much of your time. In your busy life you may have serious time crunches, but meditation can be done even in sleep. When you sleep, your conscious mind takes off, but not your subconscious mind. If your still-active subconscious mind listens to a stress-relief mediation CD as you sleep, then you can use your time efficiently and wake up relaxed and stress-free. The result can be more effective by utilizing your subconscious mind because it does not interfere or counter-react like the conscious mind.

Practicing mediation can be possible easily if you listen to a guided meditation track. When you listen to a meditation track while you sleep you do not have to concentrate but you can focus on being relaxed. This meditation will help you feel enjoyment in connecting with your own body from inside and relaxing deeply. You will find a safe place within as you experience a deep level of calmness. It will lead you to a stress-free existence and mind-body connection. You will let go of stress, fatigue and tiredness as you become completely revitalized. You embrace a glowing healing light representing the endless creative energy to relieve stress from your inner self.

Bhasweti Gewhas, PhD. CHt.

I have developed a complete program at StressFreeTools to help you cope with different aspects of stress in your life. I am also offering a free session of my Healing Therapy if you buy the complete set of CDs. My Healing Therapy session will help you achieve greater consciousness about the joy achieved from a stress-free life. Visit http://www.stressfreetools.com/products/ to buy the download or CD and contact me at bhasweti@stressfreetools.com to take advantage of this offer. Your body and mind will be thanking you.

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Stress Relief for Women, and It's Free

Stress relief is the number one thing most women need more of. There are so many stressors on women today; family, work, finances, health, relationships. Good or bad, stress is a major part of our lives. And the biggest obstacle to obtaining relief women have are their own beliefs. Many women today don't even realize how far down the priority pole they place themselves...trust me, we all know about this one! Every day take some time just for you to destress and get back in touch with yourself. Seriously, is anyone gonna miss you for 15 minutes? And what if they do? It would be good for them, so be good to yourself. Here are some easy stress relief ideas for women everywhere. I hope you all learn to use them more often!

* Exercise every day. Even if it just means taking a walk around the block! Exercise is the number one way doctors recommend to reduce stress. Physical activity actually decreases the stress hormones that are released in the body. You know, the ones that cause premature aging? That get your attention?

* Get outside. Just breathing in fresh air from the outdoors can help you to release stress and reconnect with yourself. Remember to stop and smell the roses...let the wind blow over you, feel raindrops on your skin, or enjoy the warm sunshine.

* Listen to music. Whether it's a calming concerto or uplifting spiritual music or something in between, find time to listen! Music soothes the savage beast you know!

* Learn about something just for yourself.

* Journal your feelings. Writing down things that bother you and potential solutions can be incredibly healing and reduce anxiety. It allows you to take control of your thoughts and come up with solutions to problems in a structured way.

* If stress is causing you a lot of anxiety, try to get to the root of the problem. Nine times out of ten the problem is that your self talk is not as positive as it should be. Self talk is the way we address ourselves when something stressful occurs. If your self talk is saying things like "I always mess this up" or "I will just fail" or other negative ideas, you need to adjust your self talk. Come up with a positive affirmation you can tell yourself when you recognize negative self talk. How about, "My best is always good enough" or "I am confident I will succeed." You may not totally believe those statements at first, but say them every time you notice negative self talk. Eventually you will retrain your thoughts. It takes practice, so keep at it!

* If you believe in a higher power, make sure you have a stress chat every day. End it with a "Thank You for letting me put these things in Your hands". Knowing He has your back can ease stress considerably.

* Have a "spa" night. Draw a luxurious bubble bath, add some wine and good chocolates, even some flowers and perfumed oil. Inform your family that you are off limits until you come out. Unless the house is burning down, you don't want to hear them. At all. Better yet, send them to the movies!

Above all, if you find your stress and anxiety causing you constant interference with your life, it's time to seek some help. There is no weakness in this, it is brave! Contact your family doctor to ask for guidance and care.

For free ideas for women learning to make money on the internet, visit Kathy at http://www.women-on-the-net.com/ Also visit her at http://www.thebudgetdecorator.com/.

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Concrete Tips to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

If you are a caregiver to a family member, let me start off by acknowledging how difficult it can be and how much energy you must be expending just to get yourself and your loved one through the day. While it may be a lonely endeavor, you are actually, not alone. More than 65 million people, 29% of the U.S. population, provide care for a chronically ill, disabled or aged family member or friend during any given year and spend an average of 20 hours per week providing care for their loved one.

The role of caregiver is often not one that we choose, but is often thrust upon us by circumstance. We are often not prepared for what caregiving entails, and this can lead to feelings of overwhelm and depression.

While there are no easy answers or simple solutions, here are three ways to take care of yourself while taking care of another.

1. Enlist social support.

Asking for help can feel vulnerable. After all, we want to feel like we can handle it all. But going it alone can quickly lead to burnout. Ask friends, family members, and your community for help, and be specific. Depending on the person you're asking, you might need emotional support, practical assistance such as help picking up prescriptions, caregiving respite, or help gathering information such as local caregiver resources. Keep in mind that others generally feel good about helping and will welcome being given concrete things they can do to support you.

2. Enhance your problem-solving skills.

Research shows that if a caregiver considers him or herself an effective problem-solver, they have a higher level of confidence in their ability to handle issues and complications that might arise; they also have increased ability to monitor their reactions and stress levels. This increase in confidence is linked to caregiver well-being and a decrease in depression. You can increase your problem-solving skills by establishing more streamlined routines and by sharing information with other caregivers.

3. Make time for yourself

Not neglecting your own needs might be the hardest of these suggestions to follow through on. Feelings of guilt are common, and it may seem like there isn't time in the day. Without taking care of ourselves, however, we have nothing left to give others and we end up harming our own health. Identify what recharges you and make sure you make the time for it on a regular basis. Maybe it's a yoga class, coffee with a friend, a few hours out of the house. Honor yourself by making your needs a priority.

Marnee Reiley is a Marriage and Family Therapist Intern (IMF 61489) who brings empathy, humor, and warmth to her collaborative work with therapy clients at Journey Coaching and Counseling in Irvine, California. Marnee offers strength-based counseling for couples, individuals and families who are looking to find greater purpose, a sense of direction, and increased joy in their lives. Call 949-222-6681 or visit http://www.youroctherapist.com/ for more information.

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Review: APA's "Stress in America" Survey - Problem and Solution

In the American Psychological Association's 2010 report**, "Stress in America: Our Health at Risk," 1,226 people from the U.S. ranked their stress levels and thought about how the state we call stress (as opposed to the state we call well-being) relates to their body health.

39% said that their overall stress levels had increased in the past year, and 44% said that theirs had increased over the past five years.

Money (76%), work (70%) and the economy (65%), family responsibilities (58%), peer and family relationship issues (55%) and personal health/body concerns (52%) are the top of the list as sources of stress for Americans.

69% of people said they recognize the importance of managing their stress.

But - here is a bigger issue - only 32% (one-third!) of all respondents believe they are doing well at managing it!

While most people agreed that making lifestyle changes (exercising, proper nutrition, enough sleep and other solutions that were named) could reduce stress, a huge number of people were just... too stressed out to start making any changes right now!

What happens to us, in the long run, if we have stress but don't do anything about it?

We experience:

· a lack of mental and physical energy

· decreases in willpower (to eat, sleep, exercise and relate to others in a positive ways)

· feeling irritable, angry or depressed

· beating ourselves up for poor performance

· a body loaded with muscle tension and even illness

·...among a long list of other symptoms...

It may not surprise you to discover from this report that people of all age groups and from both sexes report stress - and the same people report real lack of ability to deal with it fully (i.e. to get rid of it for good.)

No - eating, while watching TV, while talking with a friend on the phone, while overseeing the kids homework, while lazing on the sofa is not good management of stress!

And no - multi-tasking on the job by talking on the phone, while typing your document, while having lunch at your desk, while fielding incoming visitors to your office - also does not alleviate the stress of needing to be seen as "productive" at work!

Okay. No surprises really for any of my readers about Stress in America!

What is our solution?

First - identify the source. I can easily do that now and even identify the source of ALL stress.

Stress is very simple to define: "Feelings that got bottled up." That's it: A large number of tangled and negative feelings.

Stress is never only one feeling, but a collection of many tangled, wound up, mixed up and negative feelings - working against you to sabotage your well-being.

Yes: Feelings you hold onto eventually lash out at you.

You have feelings about

· your overall life success

· people in your life

· your life goals and your decisions for today

· activities you can/must do

· your body and how it feels to be in it and how it responds to you in various activities

· politicians and celebrities you've never met

·...the list goes on...

I could name a few of the commonly-experienced feelings in this Stress Collection, just so we are on the same page:
FrustrationIrritationAngerWorry or ConfusionDepression or SadnessPride or ArroganceBoredomAnxietyGriefApathyPanic or FearHate or Extreme DislikeDistrust or BetrayalLust or CravingLaziness

We have experienced all or most of these feelings (and dozens of others!). But we collected them - they belong to us, oh yes!

Where are all these feelings?

By collecting them, we shoved them into a place I will call the Subconscious Mind. Once feelings are stuffed into that space, we forget about them. But they don't ever forget about us!

It is as though they stalk us, waiting for an opportunity to pounce. And they do indeed pounce - especially at times we face a challenge in our life:

His spouse asks for a divorce. Our unmarried teenage child gets pregnant. He loses the job, in an uncertain market. She is suddenly hospitalized, without insurance. He didn't make the sale...again. The kids are out of control...again. She's lost her keys, wallet and all her payment cards...again. The car breaks down and you have no cash for repairs. His performance review was negative.

Life happens!

Then those hidden feelings surge up and gang up on us in a whirlwind of reactivity.

Our minds spin. Our emotions put us on a roller-coaster ride.

We can't think straight, but we are pushed to react and often make things worse when we do!

THAT, my friend, is stress in action!

Do you get the idea that once you've reacted, it is already too late? At least it is too late to prevent a bad situation...

So, again, what is the solution?

Take action. The only viable, reliable, permanently effective action to take is to eliminate all your stored feelings!

This is not about meditating or praying - these are greatly comforting things to do, but they only allow you to float over the top of the hidden feelings.

Eliminate - Release - all those sabotaging, stress-causing feelings.

ARC-A Realized Community presents a complete training program which will show you exactly how to identify a feeling (lots of them - all of them!), and let it go from that Subconscious Mind of yours for good.

As you let go of more and more negative feelings and emotions, the reactivity from them is also gone.

The tension from them is permanently relaxed. Quite the opposite of stress, right?

Your mind gets free of that clutter called Confusion and Irritability and you no longer react - but act - from Clarity, Objectivity, Knowingness and Mental Calm. The very opposite of stress, right?

When the tensions and stresses are removed, your physical body heals as well. Health is your natural physical state - which you recover with ease. The compulsive eating, chronic pains, illnesses and tiredness dissolve. Your body feels more relaxed and younger, more energized, better able to respond.

Will your spouse still burn toast? Will you still have bills to pay? Probably! But none of Life that Happens will stir you up and get you on that emotional roller coaster - EVER again!

Survey cited: **American Psychological Association, The Stress in America Survey, August 3 and 27, 2010.

Tamma Ford is Programs Leader at ARC-A Realized Community which presents the self-growth work of American Master Lester Levenson (1909-1994). She is author of "God's Pen: Lessons on Life and Light, A Journal", and numerous e-books and articles.

ARC's core program is designed to help anyone easily identify and let go - permanently - of thoughts and feelings ('ego') that interfere with living a smoothly happy life. Doing this work quickly gets noticeable results and has been effective in improving happiness levels, creating harmony and flow in life, creating better health and more abundance for anyone...and this work called 'releasing ego' leads to a totally Quiet Mind if that is your goal.

The complete process is taught in ARC's 'Foundational Course for Living Your Potential' home study course and shows you how to truly master your life! See more at http://www.arealizedcommunity.com/.

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Gender Differences in Teen Stress: Avoidance and Coping

We know that stress is a part of life. We also know this means that teens experience stress too.

The question is how do teens handle stress? Do they know how to handle stress? Do they have the right tools and skills to handle stress in a healthy way?

Research suggests important differences in how boys and girls cope with stress. According to a Baltimore study:

• 25% of boys and 19% avoid or refuse to deal with stress
• 23% of boys and 14% of girls will distract themselves away from their stress
• 17% of boys and 22% of girls seek support
• 35% and 45% of girls actively try to remove or reduce their stress

Based on these results, it appears boys are more likely to refuse to deal with stress and to distract themselves away from it where as girls are more likely to seek support and actively reduce the stress they experience.

Why the difference?

1. Hormones: During stressful situations, females produce more oxytocin than males. Oxytocin is released into the body to counter the production of cortisol. This hormone promotes bonding, nurturing, and relaxing emotions. As such, when females are stressed they're physiologically inclined to bond with others. This leads them to speak about what is going on and get advice and support from others. Because males produce much less of this hormone they're less inclined to speak about it and more likely to go off on their own until the stress passes away on its own or they're able to come up with a solution.

2. Lack of communication and skills: Boys (and men in general) are less likely to talk about what is bothering them. If they don't want to speak to anyone and they don't know how to handle what is going on in life, they're more likely to want to avoid dealing with it (the same is true of females who don't speak about their problems and feel in over their head).

3. Self-esteem: Female self-esteem is built around adequacy of relationships whereas male self-esteem is built based on adequacy of performance. Because males base their worth on how well they're able to perform, they're less likely to seek support than females. Females on the other hand are more likely to search for support and strengthen their relationships (this also explains why many females go out of their way to make others happy).

Here are 3 tips to help your teen (male or female) cope with stress:

1. Communication: Communication serves two purposes. One, it helps your teen identify what is stressing them out by speaking to a trusted adult. Two, it shows your teen he is not alone in dealing with stress. Although girls are more likely to speak about their stress, it does not mean boys remain completely mute. During brief communication, you can help him pinpoint stress and share advice. After that, let him come to a conclusion on his own if that is his preference.

2. Coping skills: Model healthy stress coping skills. These include journaling, time management skills, avoid extreme reactions & overgeneralizing, setting priorities, and setting realistic goals. When your teen is exposed to positive habits, he is more likely to adapt them as his own.

3. Saying 'No.': Teach your child (by modeling) to say no. Many times teens get themselves into stressful situations because they did not know how to say no to peers, coaches, teachers, and even to parents. By showing them it's OK to say no and demonstrating how to do it, they're more likely to respect their own boundaries.

4. Healthy lifestyle: Healthy diet, enough sleep, and regular exercise are important for a healthy body and to reduce stress. An unbalanced diet produces harmful chemicals in the body as does a sedentary lifestyle, and a lack of sleep.

Best Wishes To Your Family!

Ivana motivates teens and adults in their 20s to approach life with desire, confidence, and passion.

Ivana also works with the following cases:
*Low motivation, *Stress & time management, *Anger management, *Social skills, *And more...

Life coaching is the perfect gift for your teen or young adult. It provides your child with an early start at success!

Ivana Pejakovic, B.Sc., MA

Original article

Quotes About Worry From Wisdom Makers

What is a quote? Someone who speaks or writes a passage that sums up an experience that can better your situation or mind-set. You could call them wisdom makers. Quotes come in little packages, but carry an explosive meaning from a wisdom maker's successful journey through life's many puzzling doors. Learn how just a few quotes can transform you from your battle with worry.

Quotes About Worry From 3 Extraordinary Wisdom Makers

First meet genius wisdom maker Albert Einstein who won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921, he said, "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."

Next, Mahatma Gandhi's gift to the world was applying the spiritual truth of love and nonviolence to political and social struggles. "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

Lastly, Og Mandino who was born in 1923, and has sold over 50 million self-help books in 25 different languages. "I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars."

One thing we all have in common, whether you're an Einstein, Gandhi, or Mandino, is the fact that we all succumb to personal struggles and worry. It doesn't matter what side of the fence you're on, worrying is universal. The only difference is that some choose to take action to overcome and those who don't, neither being any more special than the other.

Become Your Own Wisdom Maker

Today is a New Beginning - start your day with boldness, courage, and strength. Approach today first by taking a deep long breathe, and move forward with a purpose. You're on a mission to give today the best of you. You have so much to offer to those around you. Proceed with love in your heart.

Forgive Yourself - begin your day by forgiving yourself, let go of any guilt you maybe harboring, and move on. Knowing you have tried your best, and exhausted all options, let it be. If God forgives you, than forgive yourself.

Love You - accept who you are which includes all your unique quirks. We all have them. That makes you special. Love you, and strive to improve the things you need to change. Change yourself, and accept others the way they are.

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark Night

Take from the past and hold tight the lessons learned to bring forth into the present, and don't worry about the future which has not yet arrived. When Gandhi spoke of strength and will, take that to heart when overcoming your struggles. Not all problems will require sheer will and power, but there will be moments in life that will require you to dig deep down to a place you seldom visit. This is where strength and will preside. Tapping into this special reservoir will transform you and lead the way to your success.

We unfailingly live and breathe in the light of life, the light of Christ, or wherever you deem your light to exist. Seldom will you be asked to visit the dark night. It is there where you will successfully surface transformed and renewed into a shining star, now becoming your very own Wisdom Maker.

Valerie O'Brien specializes in helping individuals manage their worry monsters in a simple common sense approach.

Get her newest (2012), 10-part Mini Course Free at http://www.worryfreesolution.com/

Original article