What is a quote? Someone who speaks or writes a passage that sums up an experience that can better your situation or mind-set. You could call them wisdom makers. Quotes come in little packages, but carry an explosive meaning from a wisdom maker's successful journey through life's many puzzling doors. Learn how just a few quotes can transform you from your battle with worry.
Quotes About Worry From 3 Extraordinary Wisdom Makers
First meet genius wisdom maker Albert Einstein who won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921, he said, "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
Next, Mahatma Gandhi's gift to the world was applying the spiritual truth of love and nonviolence to political and social struggles. "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
Lastly, Og Mandino who was born in 1923, and has sold over 50 million self-help books in 25 different languages. "I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars."
One thing we all have in common, whether you're an Einstein, Gandhi, or Mandino, is the fact that we all succumb to personal struggles and worry. It doesn't matter what side of the fence you're on, worrying is universal. The only difference is that some choose to take action to overcome and those who don't, neither being any more special than the other.
Become Your Own Wisdom Maker
Today is a New Beginning - start your day with boldness, courage, and strength. Approach today first by taking a deep long breathe, and move forward with a purpose. You're on a mission to give today the best of you. You have so much to offer to those around you. Proceed with love in your heart.
Forgive Yourself - begin your day by forgiving yourself, let go of any guilt you maybe harboring, and move on. Knowing you have tried your best, and exhausted all options, let it be. If God forgives you, than forgive yourself.
Love You - accept who you are which includes all your unique quirks. We all have them. That makes you special. Love you, and strive to improve the things you need to change. Change yourself, and accept others the way they are.
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark Night
Take from the past and hold tight the lessons learned to bring forth into the present, and don't worry about the future which has not yet arrived. When Gandhi spoke of strength and will, take that to heart when overcoming your struggles. Not all problems will require sheer will and power, but there will be moments in life that will require you to dig deep down to a place you seldom visit. This is where strength and will preside. Tapping into this special reservoir will transform you and lead the way to your success.
We unfailingly live and breathe in the light of life, the light of Christ, or wherever you deem your light to exist. Seldom will you be asked to visit the dark night. It is there where you will successfully surface transformed and renewed into a shining star, now becoming your very own Wisdom Maker.
Valerie O'Brien specializes in helping individuals manage their worry monsters in a simple common sense approach.
Get her newest (2012), 10-part Mini Course Free at http://www.worryfreesolution.com/
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