Another Way to Function - An Alternate to Thinking

When issues occur with any aspect of daily life, the usual function or behaviour is to struggle in thinking up solutions or answers to our difficulties. This thinking is a reaction to our difficulties and is quite inadequate. Why?

When there is an inadequate understanding or approach within the contents and process of our thinking, we search within that for something which obviously isn't there. I say obviously, for if understanding were there in the first place, would these issues present difficulties and would we be searching at all.

Therefore if through thinking you cannot understand something, you must look beyond thinking. One must ask, is the disturbance anything other than the inadequacy in the approach or information that defines the limits of thinking. And as this is so, then to solve our problems there must be an alternative to thinking.

There is another way to function. Rather than trying to think your way out of a problem or through a challenge, have you ever just held it? Just held it, felt the sense of it without moving away from it, without trying to suppress it or transcend it, or do all the things we do with it. If you do nothing else but hold it, you will sense, (not think) the depth of it. The thing itself will show itself and all of its extraordinary subtleties. In the midst of such an approach, without you meaning to, a true understanding of yourself can occur.

You can only be receptive to all of this when you are living with the problem without any motive, without trying to do a thing about it, just watching it, just holding it, not separate from it.

This is the body-mind in its ultimate and most natural function. This is its brilliance. To perpetually respond to, absorb and unravel any living problem.

Preparation for living problems blinds us to them.

The major difference between mechanical and living problems is what it takes to solve them. Thought is sufficient for solving mechanical problems but there is no way we can use it to solve living human problems. That is why it has failed.

The philosopher and analyst have failed, the gurus have failed, the prophets have failed, our education and parents have failed, society has failed to help the individual live their life sanely and healthily. Social thought and action has failed in the attempt to solve living problems.

For the problem is not what we all think it is. The demand and the attempt to be prepared for any future situation is actually the cause of our problems. All education, training and prior preparation for living is a process of thought, and thought does not reach anything here inside the flesh of the living feeling person where it counts.

No matter how we prepare we cannot ever know what we would do in any given situation. Every situation, every person, every stage in life is so different, therefore any preparation to meet these living situations cannot help us. In fact we create the problems of living by preparing for them. For our preparation - our knowledge, beliefs and answers are our bias, and our bias prevents receptivity to anything new and therefore blocks the new facts available to us in each living situation. Thereby our prior preparations to meet life's problems prevent us from ever meeting life as it really is. Hence we create our own blindness by the very act of preparing.

One who does not prepare for living problems, does not because he understands you cannot, that all such preparation is useless, unnecessary and in fact causes disassociation from the eventual outer circumstance and your inner responses to it at the time if its unfolding.

The body does not know anything in advance. It functions moment to moment relying on the senses, the nervous system and other physical (chemical) responses to receive life and all the information contained within life as it unfolds.

In this our natural state of 'not knowing' (no prior knowing) we know what there is to know as we need to know it, and not before. Initially our 'knowing' is in all the above mentioned physical ways - which then expands into descriptive thought, if further expression is required.

So our problem with living problems is, we think and therefore try to know before there is something to know, and end up making something up before there is anything to know. Hence we live in the fear based and bias preparedness of the known, of the so called mind, trying to anticipate life - before the particular life event occurs to stimulate the only definite knowing we have - these variety of bodily responses, which are the pulsations of life responding to, and interconnected with life as it occurs.

© 2011 Matthew Meinck All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The reader of this document acknowledges that they take full personal responsibility for their response to the contents of this document. The author and any related parties disclaim any liability whatsoever, to the extent allowed by law, from any liability for any consequence of the response that the reader has to the contents of this document.

Matthew Meinck is an original thinker, an explorative ground-breaking natural health practitioner and educator, published author, meditation mentor, problem solver.

After 7 years as a monk his attempts to expose the heir achy and hypocritical belief systems got him expelled. He went on to demystify enlightenment and meditation, enhancing its massive benefits and developed the most effective commonsense approach to meditation in existence today.

For over 25 years he has established his reputation by achieving unprecedented results as a natural health practitioner. He approaches mental and physical health as one integral condition and has successfully treated over 30,000 people.

New books by Matthew Meinck will be available on line 2012

Original article

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