How Can You Test the Level of Your Stress?

In order to continue living life in a healthy and in fitter way, you should test the level of your stress. Remember the human body is more like an effective and efficient machine that is working day and night. It works hard in order keep its condition better. However, if you keep abusing your body, in the process you would soon notice wear and tear. The body slows down. This process is slow because the range to which the body can tolerate the stress and any sort of abuses is quite huge. Do not let it go to a level, where no repair is possible.

What happens when the body is under stress? When you are psychologically or physically under any stress, the hormones in your body start to go haywire. Not only does this put a negative impact on the physical aspect but mentally as well. Your body will slowly and steadily start to break up beyond a level where no repair would be possible. High blood pressure starts to appear. Cardiological problems occur. It is also seen that disease as blood sugar level and cancer results from stress.

There is a famous saying, which says 'prevention is better than cure'. It is true. Take the warning signs that your body starts to give when it is at the initial level. Identify the problem and seek solutions, so you can turn back the damage that has been done. It is always not necessary to pop pills or a few.

What Are the Stress Test questions:

1. Are you binging to deal with your emotion problem?

2. Are you sweating excessively?

3. Are you having trouble to sleep at night?

4. Do you have problem to digest your food properly, have cramps in the stomach as well as ulcer?

5. Do you forget often to take care of yourself or you don't like it? (You don't brush your hair and look after your outer appearance much because you do not feel up to it often)

6. Are you having a problem to connect with your parents or your close friends and often stay alone?

7. Do you skip meals or regular everyday routine? (Sometimes you might be having too much of it)

8. Drinking too much or smoking too much?

9. You often suffer from headaches.

10. Do you feel irritated most of the time and frequently keep shouting or crying?

11. Are your feeling unhappy and fatigued all the time?

12. Are you failing to look into businesses you should and having lack of concentration?

13. Are you having too much chocolate or fatty foods?

14. Do you have trouble finding your true sense of humor?

15. When was the last time you really enjoyed?

Each and every one is a different person and we have our own way to fight with the little bit of stress that we are having. May be the answers for the above questions are 'yes', but if it happens most of the time, then you need to take notice. If possible take professional help.

Original article

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