How to Use Running to Relieve Your Stress

Stress is a silent but deadly epidemic mental disorder that is slowly sweeping through our community. Whilst stress itself is not defined as a disease, overwhelming stress impacts the body and allows diseases like cancer and viruses to easily attack what is normally a healthy body. Yet there are some simple solutions and exercises that will help you combat this silent killer.

One of the easiest ways to combat stress is to simply exercise. The more you exercise the more you are able to exercise that stress out of your body.

So why does exercise work?

When you exercise a number of key things occur in your body. The first is that your heart rate will increase as you exercise, your blood flows more effectively and will help you combat the stress. Normally, high levels of stress will have the opposite effect to your body and constrict the blood vessels.

Running is a powerful tool to combat stress and is much better than just simple exercise. It provides you with a number of key opportunities to release the stress and refocus your mind onto more positive outcomes.

When you run you are forced by the act of running to focus on something other than the stress. The act of running also allows your body to increase the blood flow around your body and release endorphins into your blood stream. These endorphins are very important in combating stress as we have often found that they help stimulate the creative element of your brain to create new and creative ways to deal with the stressful situations.

Doctors and psychologists do have differing opinions as to how often you should run to combat stress however my advice is that if you are working in a high stress environment then it would be worthwhile in at least taking the opportunity to undertake a run at the end of the day to ensure that before you come home to your family you are in a positive state of mind.

My own wife uses running as a regular stress reliever and she will often visit the gym before coming how from a busy day at work to release the built up stress and to come home in a positive frame of mind. This however is not the only time when you can use running as a stress reliever.

Whenever you get to a point where a stressful situation is not allowing you to deal with the experience in a positive manner then I recommend that you take a good 30 minute run to start getting the blood to circulate more effectively so that you will be able to come up with an appropriate outcome for the stressful situation.

Let us put it this way, even if you do come back and do not have any answers at this point, your act of running will keep your body in a positive mental state and also healthy at the same time. This has to result in you dealing with the situation in a positive manner.

Chris Le Roy is the Managing Director of the One-on-One Professional Business Training Centre. Our company provides a range of stress management training that will help you to learn to stress management skills, you career and more. Our company also provides first aid courses to help ensure you have that qualification when you apply for your next job.

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