How To Manage Stress

Whether at work or at home, we have experienced some stress in our lives. This stress can interfere with our career and social life. Stress occurs when we try to adjust ourselves to the constant and conflicting demands of life.

Stress can be positive as well as negative. If you like your job and work long hours to get that job raise, you experience a positive form of stress. Positive stress is what you feel when you are planning your daughter's wedding or when you are about to make an important presentation. Stress in a relationship because of poor communication or the absence of focused time spent with a loved one are all examples of negative stress. All these can damage your health and the quality of your life. If you get irritated, angry and frustrated when someone doesn't behave the way you want them to be, you experience a negative form of stress. If you don't learn to eliminate stress, you will function poorly at work, at home and with friends. Understand that stress is real and it can affect your health, happiness and relationships. Extreme stress can be short-lived, as in stress after the death of a loved one, or it can be long-term.

Start by identifying the stress in your life and address the source of the stress, if you can. Take stock of your reactions to stress.

Take note of your emotional and physical response to stress. Then find out what you can change and how you can relieve or eliminate the stress. Shorten the time you are exposed to stress. If you come across people who are great stress creators, talk to them briefly and spend minimum time with them. Stay on track and don't get off on tangents that make the situation more stressful. If you have days or situations where you are under a lot of stress, take a break. Take a walk outside and get a coffee. If you break the pattern you will feel more refreshed. Focus on making changes to avoid the stress. Set more realistic goals.

Try to analyze and alter your reaction to stress. Do not overreact to situations. Never attempt to please everyone all the time. Do not obsess over the negative factors. Stick to the positive. Learn how to mitigate stress by diffusing it when it happens. Practice deep, slow breathing exercises. Take care of yourself. Exercise three or four times a week. Avoid fast food. Maintain a healthy, well balanced diet. Try meditation and yoga.Take frequent breaks. Maintain supportive friendships and relationships. Set your own realistic goals and never let others force you into situations you don't like.

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What Is Stress and Why Does It Affect Us?

In today's society everyone from the media, to business leaders, politicians and even psychologists are raising the issue of the amount of stress that the population is currently under. There are many factors that are causing these outrageous levels of stress such as the workplace, finances, the weather, government and the general day-to-day run of the mill life.

If it is such an issue, What is Stress?

Well there are a number of formal definitions of stress but the easiest way to look at stress is this way. Stress is our mental, physical and behavioural response to anxiety-producing events.

Essentially, anything that is an anxiety-producing event is a form of stress. The way in which it affects us is dependent on the length of the stress, the type of stress and what other stresses we have been exposed to prior to this event.

Everyone's ability to cope with the various stress put on our lives is dependent on our own make up. Everyone deals with stressful situations uniquely and this is one of the challenges we have as employers.

The impact of a single stressful event may not be too great for most people however, if a person has been affected by multiple stressful events in a short period of time, then even a very benign situation can result in an overreaction by the individual.

There are many authors of books on stress management but one thing is true, they all agree that our ability to cope with stress is based on our own individual make up and the exposure to various stress laden events.

The impact of stress on us physically can be as simple as an elevated heart rate to major health issues from prolonged stressful situations. We have seen that those who have experienced major stressful events like multiple deaths of family members, looking after sick family members or witnessing of tragic events can lead a person to suffer serious psychological impairment or even physical illness due to the stressful event.

Research has found that working in constant stressful environments can in fact impact the physical well being of staff members. In some cases leading to unfortunate diseases such as heart disease and in the most extreme cases Cancer.

The key issue is that whilst we do need a certain level of stress to maintain our bodies, excessive stress can be detrimental to our long term well being and we need to understand that this needs to be managed effectively.

If you recognise that you are over-reacting to very benign situations or you do not feel happy at all during the day, then these are clear signs that you maybe suffering from stress and it are important that you seek help. Help can come in a number of forms such as learning how to deal with stress through a stress management course or by visiting a professional psychologist to help you develop a plan to manage your stress. Learning how to manage your stress effectively, could literally save your life!

Chris Le Roy is the Managing Director of the One-on-One Professional Business Training Centre. Our company provides a range of stress management training that will help you to learn to stress management skills, you career and more. Our company also provides first aid courses to help ensure you have that qualification when you apply for your next job.

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Five Ways to Avoid 'Overwhelm'

If you are like many people these days you are feeling chronically overwhelmed. And if you have ADHD you probably struggle more than most. Feeling overwhelmed occurs when we feel we have too much to do and not enough time to do it. We fall behind and we are constantly trying to catch up and keep up with the demands on us. Phew! I felt that familiar feeling of overwhelm just writing that sentence!

Here are some great suggestions for how to avoid overwhelm.

1) Stop and take a deep breathe. Calm down your monkey brain for a few minutes so you can take stock of what's going on. Step off the treadmill for a moment to get some perspective on what is most important.

2) Notice what you are thinking about and saying to yourself. Be aware of chronic negative thinking and self talk such as 'I'll never get this project done', 'I don't have time to wrap those presents before Christmas', 'I'm going to be late again'.

Replace these negative, worry thoughts with thoughts that are more positive and calming. For example replace 'I'll never get this project done' with 'I'm worried that I won't get the project done but I have finished projects before and I will figure out how to get this one done, too'. There doesn't that feel better already? Then take a minute to figure out what you need to do to get it done. This might include setting priorities and working on the most important task first. It might involve delegating some of the tasks. It might mean you need to be less ambitious and postpone a few of the tasks till a later time. It might require you to ask for help. Remember you always have options.

3) Make a list of everything you have to do. Then evaluate each item and put the items in priority order of what needs to be done first, second, third, etc. Be realistic about what you can expect to accomplish in any given time period. Some experts advise against putting more than five items on your list at a time. If your list has more than five items, move the five highest priority items to an active 'to do' list and when these five are done, replace them from your master list.

When compiling your list, think about which items you really have to do and which items you can do tomorrow, and which items you can scratch off your list because somebody else can do them or they really aren't that important. Be strict with yourself to limit what you set up for yourself to accomplish. Be realistic.

Make sure your list includes items that fall into the category of self care. One ADHD coach found that the majority of the people in her workshop audience reported being involved in goal directed activity 95% of the time. They did not count self care as goal directed activity. If you allow yourself some down time to do nothing, time to sleep, time to exercise, time to eat healthy foods, and time to enjoy life you will find it easier to deal with the other things on your list.

4) Ask for help. Whether you are overwhelmed at work, at home, or both, it is often necessary and extremely helpful to ask for help. I remember my boss giving me more and more work until one day I finally told him I couldn't get it all done on time without some help. He laughed and said, 'I wondered when you would let me know I had given you way too much to do. Thanks for telling me.' Then he reassigned a couple of tasks and found an assistant for me. And I felt way less overwhelmed.

You do not have to do everything yourself. At home, involve your family to take care of routine tasks around the house. Even if you live alone you can ask for help from family, friends, or neighbors. You can also hire help. Yes, you can strip the wallpaper, spackle the wallboard and paint it. But you might instead strip the wallpaper and hire someone to spackle. Then you could paint or hire someone to paint. Give yourself the tasks you enjoy the most and let others do the rest. Your teenage daughter might be delighted to decorate the mantle at Christmas this year. She will be glad you entrusted her with the task. And she may use her own creativity to make it look better than ever. Let your son set up the patio furniture in the spring.

5) Plan out your day everyday. Set aside fifteen minutes every morning to look over your schedule for the day and to look over your 'to do' list. Stephen Covey in his book 'Seven Habits of Highly Successful People' recommends using this planning time to evaluate what is most important including time to take care of yourself. Schedule time to exercise. If you don't, it probably won't happen. Put fun things on your list along with the work and obligations. Schedule time to drive around and look at Christmas lights in December or to go to the beach in the summer. Schedule down time which you can use any way you want to enjoy and recharge.

Use these five suggestions regularly. Make it a habit to stop and breathe. With practice you will get better at prioritizing items on your list and getting rid of things you don't really have to do or that can be done by someone else. There will always be more to do. Focus on the present moment instead of constantly worrying about the past or what 'might' happen in the future. Enjoy this moment. It's gone before you know it.

Debra Burdick, LCSW, The Brain Lady, owns Advanced Options, LLC, a private psychotherapy and Neurofeedback practice in Waterford, CT. Advanced Options, LLC is the home of the BRAIN FITNESS TRAINING PROGRAM, which combines outpatient psychotherapy services, Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy and Neurofeedback to help clients of all ages to improve their lives by helping them feel better, think better, and perform at their peak. For more information, please visit

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Need Help Handling Bad Days? Use the Release Technique

Every once in a while, all of us could use a bit of help handling bad days. It is women who complain of having stress and bad days more often than men. Some reasons for this may be due to menopause or other hormonal factors, but in addition to these issues, many women today work full-time outside of the home. Once the day ends at work, it is home to cook dinner, throw in some laundry, help with homework and get things ready for the next day.

When stress begins to overwhelm and get the best of you, it is a good idea to have tools in place to help and cope with those bad, stressful days.

Unless you can find a way to deal effectively with mounting stress, you are opening yourself up to the possibility of more serious problems. Too many "bad days" can add up to becoming depressed, sick, cause ulcers and migraines, just to name a few.

If you could find a way to release the stress and negative feelings, you would find yourself in a much better frame of mind and therefore, better able to cope with those bad days. Not only that, but the seemingly bad days would become less and less frequent.

You may have heard or read about the benefits of meditation, yoga, journaling or other stress reducing tools. In my experience, one of the best methods of turning those bad days around has been to use the release technique.

The release technique is a great program to actually release the negativity we tend to carry around and hang on to for a lot longer than we should. Once you practice the technique, you will experience a "lighter" feeling and be in a much better place to make better decisions and deal with day-to-day issues.

It can give you the opportunity to learn how to finally take control of your emotions instead of feeling like a helpless victim at the mercy of your current circumstances. With practice, the effects and effectiveness of the technique increase for better results.

You can continue to have bad days and experience various levels of stress, or you can decide to learn some tools and techniques to change your outlook and subsequent results. Using the release technique is a great tool for gaining clarity, setting goals and being in control of your emotions. The release technique helps you to get rid of old thoughts, emotions and the negativity that often comes along with them.

This method of releasing negativity can help you focus on goals and change how you feel about any situation. By thinking about only what you want, you are lining yourself up to be more likely to receive it. Setbacks and disappointments will be far easier to bounce back from, and you can learn to be more accepting in order to have better relationships, prosperity, break bad habits and live a more productive life.

If you need help handling bad days, try using the release technique. Any tool that can help you focus more clearly on where you want to go instead of where you are feeling stuck or trapped is worth a look. This year, turn those resolutions into realities.

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How To Handle Negative Stress - Tips and Suggestions

Handling stress requires a personal approach. Different people perceive and manage situations differently. Because this is so, we require individual insights and strategies for increasing our stress-handling effectiveness.


A definition of stress could be thought of as the demands and pressures in our lives. These demands and pressures can come from a threat such as rising expenses or changes in government regulations that affect our security. They can come from a challenge such as an increase in our work load during peak times, or changes in the technology that we have to work through. They can come from a pleasure such as the birth of a new baby or a buying a new house, or getting a promotion.

No matter where the demand or pressure comes from, any change affects our energy and ultimately our health. No matter what the demand or pressure is, it means change and any kind of change, requires the body to adapt. When we are adapting to something new or different, we are drawing on extra attention within which uses extra energy. We have so much energy available to us and when we are adapting to new, challenging, or threatening situations, our energy levels are reduced. I remember a friend who complained about her husband and that they just didn't get along and when asked, why don't you leave him, she replied, because I just take handle any more change in my life.

Too many demands and pressures on our systems require us to take better care of ourselves during situational and/or challenging times.

WHAT MAKES STRESS NEGATIVE? When the body responds to demanding and threatening situations, it is responding like the primitive man which means that it response instinctively. The stress response goes in and the body/mind response registers t as fear. When fear is present, our body/mind system gets rived up as we produce more adrenalin. Our heart rate goes up, our blood pressure goes up and the flow of blood goes to the outer limbs so that the body can perform a flight or flight response in order to return to safety. If we have this response in our body/minds too long, too much, and too often, we burn out.

We all think, feel, and do but how we generate individual responses to the demands and pressures of life depends on our interpretation. We have the choice of whether or not to give these demands and pressures a positive or negative spin.

Any stress, demand, or pressure in our life is stimulation and any stimulation produces a response in us. Much of how we deal with this stimulation and how it affects us is based on our interpretation of that stimulation. If we place a negative interpretation on it, then it will go into the body/mind as if it is truly negative. If we place a positive interpretation on it, then it will go into the body/mind as if it provides us with a stimulating, creative, and positive experience. Whether negative or positive, we still have to adapt, but at least we don't feel threatened.

If negative, we go automatically into the flight or fight response where the body is put on alert. When this happens, the heart up goes up, blood pressure goes up, stomach acid goes up, adrenal levels goes up, and mental alertness goes up as well as blood sugar, and cholesterol. What goes down, is blood flow to the skin, blood flow to the digestive track, and

BECOME MORE AWARE Stress-related disorders are becoming the norm. Surviving workplace change in a deepening climate of uncertainty is affecting all of us. Skills and insights are needed to maintain a stable inner world when it can often appear that the outside world is out of control. How can we strive and thrive in the challenges facing us in a busy world.

What's your body trying to tell you about stress? Many of us don't recognize early warning signs of stress when they occur. Check off which symptoms you experience and add any others that are not on this list.

Physical Symptoms Emotions Behaviour

____ Tight neck & shoulders ____ Depression ____ Overeating

____ Pounding heart ____ Anger ____ Increase in smoking

____ Chest pain ____ Irritability ____ Increase in alcohol

____ Headaches ____ Low self-esteem ____ Reckless driving

____ Upset stomach ____ Apathy ____ Change in sleep habits

____Fatigue ____ Impatience ____ Forgetfulness

____ High blood pressure ____ Fear ____ Drug use

____ Constipation/Diarrhea ____ Worry ____ Criticizing

____ Nervous tics ____ Pessimism ____ Inactivity

____ Rashes ____ Unusual bouts ____ Teeth grinding

of crying

An important point about tension, demands, and pressures on our systems is that the build up from these is accumulative. That means that the more stress we feel, the more it is felt in the body, and the quicker more stress is added. Like a rubber band, if we continue to stretch it, it will eventually snap. Stress reactions build up.

Whether we are not stimulated enough or we are stimulated too much, depends on personal tolerance levels and the individual's need for adequate recovery time. Once we understand our personal preferences for creating balance in our lives, we can become proactive through individualized work-life mastery techniques thereby creating the right balance for us.


What can we do to counteract this accumulative pressure? We can counteract it with the relaxation response. The relaxation response puts our bodies/minds in a rest and repair state. This state is also accumulative, which means the more we relax, the more relaxed we feel and the quicker we can relax. We need the balance between too much stimulation and just the right amount of stimulation. That is how we achieve balance in our lives and with our health.

When stress reactions in our physical, emotional, and behaviour changes, we have to pay attention to these changes and do something about it. If we do not alter the situation, the negative stress will wear the body down and the body has no choice but to get sick in its attempt to balance the system.

Stress management is not "putting a lid" on the pressure. Stress management is about re-directing the pressure into something positive. Good stress is thought to be just enough pressure in our lives to make a productive, creative, and stimulating life. The Greeks called this Eustress or Good Stress. Bad stress is when the pressure of our lives are too long, too much, and too often. This throws the body/mind balance out of whack and can lead to poor health.

STEPS TO HANDLING STRESS The first step in handling stress is awareness. How much stress do you have and how is it affecting you? If you see signs of negative stress, you have to look for alternatives to situations that affect you negatively. Identify what you can control and what is outside of your control. If something is outside your control, be careful how you are thinking about it. Are you a victim? If so, this will create negative stress. If you are in a situation of which you have no control, strive to put a positive spin on it until it can change. Ask yourself what you can learn about yourself in this situation, for example. Ask yourself if you can increase your tolerance of patience and use the situation as an enlightenment exercise. Why not? It is for your own good.

We have the power to choose our attitude about anything that life has to offer and always strive to be the locus of your control instead of having external control from others be what drives your life. Alter what you can, avoid what you can, and accommodate what you can but do these things because you say so and not because others demand it of you.

The second step is being your own locus of control, which means that you are in control of your own destiny, health, and happiness. Giving over to external control is having the perspective that you are the product of outside forces and being greatly influenced by an outdated mode of thinking, by your friends and family, or by some environmental condition. External control is often viewed as being subjected to powerful others or being victims of chance of luck.

To be in more control requires that we become more assertive and less concerned about hurting other people's feelings. Learning to be more assertive can help you improve your self-esteem and avoid being abused by others when you are too willingness to say yes. We can learn to say no and eliminate stressful situations.

Additional steps are that we:

Create some daily rituals such as daily meditation or taking some time to reflect, and exercise at the same time each day.Learn to stick to our priorities of what is important to us and act on those priorities.Analyze situations and strive to overcome them by choosing alternative approaches, goals, or strategies once we are more aware of how they are affecting us.Develop hobbies, learn something different, and plan something creative to do with others.Increase a better diet into our body and we can reduce alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco.Avoid loud noises, stop negative self-talk and turn worries into stepping stones.

MY BEST SUGGESTION: And the most important thing to remember in life is to know that desire is potentially seeking manifestation. Be sure to desire positive, creative and productive things. Do not do things to not die -- do things to enjoy living. Maybe as a by-product, you will not die.

Become a learner of life and continuously ask what you can learn from every situation.

Life is the meaningful co-existence of opposite values. A person blind from birth cannot know what darkness is because they have never known light. We can't know one value without experiencing the opposite. Ultimately, there are only two emotions - love and fear. According to Dr. Carl Jung, the tension of opposites is the very essence of life itself. Without tension, there would be no energy and consequently no personality. We can't appreciate love without understanding and know about fear. With fear comes information and decisions that can be made on how to proceed in any situation. With love, we are simply open, unconditional, and always striving for the productive, creative outcome.

It is our choice to use tension to create either growth and integration or shattering and disintegration around us. The challenge for us is to use the mind to bring the mind back to union of opposites -- back to balance and back to Eustress - good stress so that our lives are productive, creative, and stimulation.

But, we have to be aware of what is the right amount of stress that works for us. We will always be pulled in many directions as our desires strive to be manifested. That is the nature of life. It is best to desire to live and manifest a satisfying life. We all wish for a life that is full of creative, productive contributions that stimulate internal joy, happiness, and well-being for ourselves. Others will be served by more happy people in the world. Dr. Bernard Jensen said, I'm going to love you whether you want me to or not, because it is good for me. Take care of yourself and you will be amazed how other people and other situations will improve around you.

Danielle Gault, writer, trainer, and natural healer, delivers workshops, coaching and healing services in Ontario, New York, and New Zealand. She has written articles published in the Ontario Association of Psychological Type, local newspapers, and for the Reflexology Association of Canada. Danielle believes in a holistic approach to living and uses personality theory, natural healing techniques such as yoga, reflexology and insightful workshops to assist people in addressing their issues in life and striving to live consciously. Her websites are: and or contact her at

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Managing Stress When In The Comfort Zone of Dis-Comfort

The choices we make, whether it's food, how many activities we involve ourselves in, how much "stress" and responsibilities we take on, etc., are more subconscious that you may realize. People tend to seek out what is considered "familiar" and therefore reflect the choices we make across all areas of our life. When we are confronted with choices, we default to the familiar, "known" territory.

For instance, say you are shopping at a local store and you grab a laundry detergent, favorite can of beans for the chili, and some salad dressing. Your choices require very little thought process; you grab what you have already decided that you prefer, and they become a familiar, comfortable brand. With some brands you may even have several choices narrowed down to 1-3 favorites. Either way, choosing one off the shelf usually requires very little brain activity so long as you are not considering changing brands. For most of us, there is more thought process in trying to remember to bring our grocery list to the store, or remembering what was written on the list that you forgot to bring with you, than deciding which brand you want to choose.

As I mentioned earlier, this idea of a person defaulting to what is familiar affects all areas of our life. Let's take for example the situation of a woman who continues to choose abusive partners in a relationship after relationship. "Why does she continue to do this to herself?" friends wonder. She knows it is not good, she is not happy, she longs for a loving relationship and a mate who treats her kindly. She may even tell you "I feel like a magnet for dirt-bags". Yet there she is right back in another abusive relationship.

One reason may go back to her own sub-conscious recognition of and choice of a "familiar" situation even though it is not "wanted" or in her best interest. Some people may use the word "comfortable" rather than "familiar". Comfortable in this situation does NOT mean happy, desirous, or that she wants or likes the abuse. Not at all! What it means is her brain recognizes abusive relationships as "familiar" or "comfortably recognizable" and that's what she then is drawn to. Like the shopper, it is the brand she recognizes and knows, and grabs a hold of.

Why does she recognize this situation if the first place? Perhaps she was raised in a home where this was seen. Or perhaps she was exposed to this type of relationship through other influential people in her life. Or maybe a pattern was established in an earlier relationship and she was not able to break out of the pattern. For whatever reason, "the bar was set" and she became familiar with the dysfunctional situation; she learned to live in it.

So each time she was single and started seeking a new relationship, sub-consciously her brain was drawn to the familiar, recognizable "comfort zone of DIS-comfort."

Comfort zone is not limited to a relationship; it spans many aspects of one's life and choices. Food choices and exercise patterns are two areas of choice that relate to overall health and ability to control stress. We "default" to what we have grown accustomed to so when times are rough and we are under more stress it becomes harder to change these patterns.

So what comfort zone of dis-comfort are you in, and what will it take to break out of this pattern and "re-set" the bar?

Try these steps:

Decide what you really want in life; what changes in your life will you need to implement to get to your goal?Commit some time to really giving this some thought. How motivated are you? How will your life be different if these changes become reality?Stay positive - everything you are and will be starts first as a thought.Make a plan - How will you get there?Determine your support network. Who can you turn to for advice, help, support?Take your first step.Have patience with yourself - take a step each day toward your goal.Time - Time - Time! With time, new choices become routine which become habit, which become the new "familiar" and you have "re-set the bar to a new level. Please accept my gift to help you calm the stress starting now! Stress significantly affects the development, progression and recovery from a wide variety of diseases, and workplace stress may be as bad for the heart as smoking and high cholesterol! Why wait? It's free, complements Wellness Coach Connection, creator of the Burnout Breakthrough Program for Stress Management.

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Natural Cures for Stress and Sleep Problems

Stress causes a vicious cycle that affects our well-being. Stress causes us to feel uprooted and ungrounded, which causes us to feel more stress and the cycle continues. Stress causes us to disconnect from what is important in our daily lives such as proper diet, exercise and sleep. When we are stressed, we are less likely to take care of our emotional and spiritual health as well.

I can't think of anyone that I know who doesn't have stress. Unless you are an extremely enlightened person or a Buddhist monk, you have stress. It is a natural part of our existence as humans on earth. We have work stress, or no-work stress, family stress, health stress, wealth stress or lack of wealth stress, stress, stress, stress. So we all have it, but it's what we do with it that makes all the difference. Studies show that if we have an outlet for stress, the deleterious effects of it are less than if we just store it. In the book Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, the author Robert Sapolski talks about an experiment done on rats to test their stress levels. Two groups of rats were given shocks. One group was allowed to gnaw on some wood and the other was not. Guess what? The rats that were able to gnaw and had an outlet for stress formed less ulcers compared to the other group with no outlet.

Stress has to be the number one cause of illness today. Stress is toxic. Stress has been studied extensively and is known to have certain physiological effects on the body. The following is a very simplified breakdown of the bodily effects of stress.

Stress causes part of the autonomic (automatic) nervous system to go into overdrive. This is called the sympathetic nervous system and causes:

• Increased respiration

• Increased heart rate

• Increased blood flow to the internal organs

• Increased blood pressure

• Decreased digestion in the small intestine

• Increased motility in large intestine

The sympathetic drive is also known as the Fight or Flight Response. It is a survival mechanism that allows the body to react to what it perceives as danger. The reaction in most animals is to run away from the stress. What is interesting is that even our everyday, non-threatening stressors can cause the same physiological mechanisms to fall into place, just as if we were being chased by a hungry shark.

Hans Selye, MD, PhD, was the father of the concept of stress and its physiological effects on the body. He developed the classification of the stress response and named it the General Adaptation Syndrome or GAS. Arousal is the first stage of the stress response. This is when the body prepares to fight. There is an increase in adrenalin and noradrenalin and cortisol that are secreted by the adrenal glands. The next stage is the adaptation stage when the body secretes sustained high levels of cortisol and alarm molecules. In this stage there is altered glucose tolerance, blood pressure irregularities, thyroid and sex hormone changes. The final stage is exhaustion, when the cortisol levels drop, immunity is compromised and chronic disease sets in.

What is common in today's society is that we push ourselves for prolonged periods of time and usually have the energy to get whatever it is we are working on accomplished. However, when it is our down time or Christmas holidays it is then that we get sick. This is a beautiful example of the GAS. The stress of a project keeps our cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrin secretion high and in the adaptation stage. When the project is finished, we reach exhaustion and can get sick because our hormone secretion will not longer sustain our needs.

Stress Causes Illness and it has been scientifically proven that stress hormones alter the normal functioning of various body systems. Stress depletes the immune system, hinders proper digestion and alters the blood sugar. This can lead to serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, colitis, Crohn's disease and diabetes.

Chronic stress depletes our immune system. High levels of cortisol lower T-killer cells, halts the maturing of white blood cells and can even kill white blood cells directly. High cortisol is a protective mechanism in times of acute stress. If you were about to be ravaged by a hungry bear, your bodies first instinct would not be to fight off the bacteria that you just encountered from swimming in the polluted lake. The body would use all its energy to get your body moving to get out of there, and fast. However, if the stress is prolonged and chronic, the elevated cortisol levels suppressing the immune system become more of a problem.

In order to digest food properly, our systems need to be in the relaxed mode or parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. In this state, we secrete the enzymes necessary for digestion. For this reason, it is not advisable to eat on the run, in our cars, standing up, during heated family discussions or in loud, chaotic atmospheres. We need to become more conscious of our food as nourishment and take the time and effort to create soothing atmospheres in which to eat and digest.

I always ask patients with digestive problems the circumstances in which they eat their meals. I am usually not surprised to find that most of them eat on the run. By slowing down and taking the proper time to enjoy meals, these patients often improve their digestion without taking any remedies at all. This is a great example of one of the principles of naturopathic medicine I mentioned in the introduction. By treating the root cause of disease the symptoms will clear. If these patients just took digestive enzymes to improve their digestion, sure their digestion would improve, yet it would only be a band-aid on the original problem being dysregulation of enzyme secretion due to stress.

High cortisol levels due to stress make it more difficult for the body to maintain blood glucose levels. Insulin receptor sites on cell walls become resistant to insulin when cortisol is high. This is called insulin resistance. The body reacts to too much glucose in the blood by secreting more insulin. This eventually leads to type II diabetes if not controlled. A yo-yo scenario can occurs in which one may be constantly munching on food to maintain their blood sugar. This of course can lead to weight gain, causing more stress!

In order to decrease stress levels, it is important to take a break from the everyday stressors and do something healthy such as exercise, yoga, meditation and/or deep breathing exercises, everyday. It is critical to be proactive about our stress, to alleviate the likelihood of manifesting serious diseases.

I formulated VitaTree Stress and Sleep Formula to help the nervous system decrease its sensitivity to stress. The formula is unique in that it is non sedating and helps to take the strain off of a stressed individual's system, without being addictive or habit-forming like so many of the conventional drugs for stress. The Stress and Sleep Formula also helps anxiety and panic attacks, nervousness and insomnia. For more information visit

Dr. Janine Bowring is a naturopathic doctor and author of The Healthy Millionaire-The Secret to Manifesting Health and Wealth.

She is the formulator of VitaTree Nutritionals, a whole food supplement company.

For more information visit

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Reduce Stress And Boost Performance With These Simple Steps

It is becoming more evident that stress level in today's workplace is getting higher and higher. Common sense dictates that something must be done to rectify the situation.

In reality however, those who are responsible to handle this task are more interested to touch only on the surface of the matter which has minimal or zero impact to the people and organization. People who are distressed do not need to know the mechanic of stress and its consequences as if it is a newfound virus. They want to know how to effectively manage it, preferably at the very moment it occurs.

Far too many people are shying away from surveys or exercises that requires them to fill in the blanks and answering questions about their stress level, better known as 'stress assessment'. Somehow such exercise leads to more stress and achieve little.

A better resolution, perhaps, is to focus on direct and practical measures to bring down stress level and at the same time prove to people or organization that the issue is being managed to the best of effort without wasting time, money and manpower. In short, it tells others that managing stress is a serious business.

Here are few simple steps to start with:

Communicate clearly in print or electronically that the debilitating effects of stress have been made known to everyone. Through this communication, people can recognize when they are in stress based on its symptoms and they must know how to effectively manage it, at least at their level. It is also important to communicate the importance of getting assistance if the level is too high to be managed on their own, and appoint a dedicated person to handle such instances.

That being said, it is recommended to have a clear 'standard operation procedures' that people can easily follow when they find themselves in stress. For example, what they need to do? Who can they talk to? What else can they do if the preceding steps are not producing any results? Of course, the most important thing is to emphasize that successful stress management starts with them, not someone else.

Confusion and feeling of overwhelmed can lead to stress thus it is important for everyone to be very clear with their tasks and roles. Reviewing them with those in charge in a frequent interval is recommended so that any stress build-up can be handled right at the gate. Most people find it easy to turn tail and run rather than confronting with workload issue face to face. If you are the person in charge, noticing an overworked team member is important because you can assist them before things get out of hands.

People need to be reminded more than informed so always make the effort to touch on stress, its adverse effects and how to manage it at every given opportunity. The more people are reminded about this issue, the more attention they will pay to it. Plus, if the issue keeps resurging, they will know that it is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. Handling stress is not a onetime event anyway.

Keep people up-to-date with effective stress management. If that means spending part of the company profit or allocating special expenses to achieve this, so be it. People well beings and their sound mental state are much more important than expenses. There are enough evidences to support the high cost of stress if not managed properly at workplace or at home. Look at such spending as investment with higher return. After all, people are an organization biggest asset.

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Do You Need Stress Relief?

Are you stressed? Is there something weighing on your mind? Is there some inner conflict? Is there something happening in your life and you don't know how things will work out? You are not alone! At some point in time everyone experiences a certain degree of stress. Feelings actually lets you know that you are still here! A small amount of stress is actually healthy. It keeps you on your toes and motivates you to shift. Do you need stress relief?

Life today can be quite complex at times. There are many pressures on varying diverse levels, more so at times for some. You can actually worry yourself sick. To name a few stress affects your happiness, brings on acne, hair loss, weight gain, weight loss, high blood pressure, panic attacks, anxiety, impacts your sex drive as well as hampers your infertility. If you are experiencing a significant amount of stress don't wait until you are completely over whelmed to find some relief. Conflict and stress are a normal part of life. If your patience is getting close to nil know; you are reaching your limit. Don't wait until you explode and get really angry to express yourself. This will only further complicate the situation. While angry and out of control you say and do things that can be destructive. Begin to shift.

Stress is defined as; "Forces from the outside world impinging on the individual. Stress is a normal part of life that can help us learn and grow. Conversely, stress can cause us significant problems.

Stress releases powerful neurochemicals and hormones that prepare us for action (to fight or flee). If we don't take action, the stress response can lead to health problems. Prolonged, uninterrupted, unexpected, and unmanageable stresses are the most damaging types of stress." medicine

When you are stressed it becomes difficult to respond properly. Many often become verbally or emotionally abusive. For some they respond physically, in an inappropriate manner when they lack proper coping skills. When stressed you can become tense, it may be harder to concentrate, you may even get a headache or your heart begins to race. This is a clear indication that YOU NEED to shift. Here is something that will help you. Imagine a cup of ice cubes being slowly yet gently poured over your head. Allow yourself to feel the coolness of the ice gently melting over you. Begin to Allow your anger to subside. Please! Think before you respond!







When the pressures of life begin to get to you it is important that you get a grip on your emotions. No, I am not saying go into denial! How you feel is important. Your feelings need to be validated. Depression will result if you don't. Depression is anger turned inside! When it gets to this point you may need professional help! Seek out resources for anger management if you have "out of control behavior." Quite often you have learned some unhealthy dynamics that need to be changed. It may be hard for you to just say how you are feeling without being so angry. Your anger is a clear indication that you are also hurting. This will often result in something or someone triggering your anger and setting you "off." If this is the case know that you are being controlled by remote. Learn how to stay "on" track!

Here are a few ways to relieve stress.

If you are stressed? It is important to begin to spend some quiet time to unwind. Writing a letter to anyone who has hurt you is good. Express exactly how you feel. This is for your eyes only. Then tear it up and throw it away! You can also get an empty chair; imagine that the person is sitting there, and say to whomever has hurt you how you feel. Take control and release any anger, hurt, shame or disapointment! You are now beginning to take out the trash that has begun to weigh you down. Listen to some relaxing music, exercising, or just taking a walk helps. You now have decided to no longer let what has happened to sit on the shelf of your mind and ferment! You are now beginning to move towards letting it go. This also heps you move towards wholeness.

If your family is stressed? Set aside some quiet time aside from the television or any outside distractions and have a family "pow wow." Allow those concerned to briefly talk about how they are feeling. Then have them talk about how things can be improved. It is helpful to have one of the children to moderate you will be surprised. Your objective is to create a healthy, loving, open, nurturing, safe environment.

Is your marriage stressed? You need to set aside some quiet time where the two of you can calmly discuss what are the issues at hand. Rekindle that love that brought the two of you together! Restore the JOY of just being together. When two together row a boat it gets to the desired destination faster. Having a weekly date night is great as well! Remember you cannot change what has happened. But you can decide to go forward. Yes, you will probably have to revisit where you have been. But this is to remind you of where you do not want to stay or continue to go.

Is your job stressing you out? You need to make an appointment to talk to your supervisor, boss, employees or co workers and let them know how you are feeling. Make sure you are not angry when you do this. Find a neutral spot if possible. Writing down what you want to say will help you stay focused. If you feel that you may lose your thoughts or say something inappropriate reschedule. Graciously delay it until you are ready. The point is you want to take control not loose it. If they are not willing; it make be better to begin looking for employment somewhere else. If you don't at some point your health will become affected working continuously under such poor conditions.

Incorporating prayer and meditating on the scriptures will yield much peace in your life. Actively implementing the principles are key to resolving inner conflict and stress. The scriptures where meant to point us to a better way of life. To develop a personal relationship with God our Creator. God has provided a wonderful plan of salvation for all who are willing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Jesus is able to save you from the power of sin reigning in your life! Jesus came to show us that better Way! To help you discover your true purpose in life!

Stress again is a normal part of life. Taking the time to communicate your feelings in a healthy manner means you care. Redemptively confronting what ever the problem is or however you are feeling is always much better for you and those around you. Everyone has a not so good day from time to time. Don't major in the minors! Just make sure that stress has not become the theme for your everyday lifestyle. Life is too short and precious to spend the majority of your time stressed! It is important to begin to work towards having a healthier balance in life. Begin moving towards creating a warm, more peaceful, safe and loving environment! Learning coping skills and ways to manage stress will also result in a healthier outlook as well as becoming healthier spiritually, physically and emotionally.

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Monitor Your Stress Level

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5 Ways To Combat Stress

Is it just me, or are people crabbier this time of year? I don't think it is just me. The nastiness and rudeness are just the symptoms of "stress." There is so much stress heaped upon us, that sometimes we just allow ourselves to be harnessed in. The next thing you know, we are pulling a load to a cracking whip without realizing we didn't even want to go in that direction.

I was at the grocery store a couple of days ago. I was wearing my sunglasses because I had 3 viral infections in my eye. Not only was it extremely painful, but I was very sensitive to light. My husband can't drive, so I had no choice but run to the store for my prescription.

I was standing in line behind a mother and her cart. She decided to brave the Self-Check-Out line, so I stepped back to let her swing her cart around. Two men then butt into the line in front of me. I wanted to say something, but, I bit my tongue.

The store finally opened another till, so some of us moved over. Now I am standing in line behind a woman berating her husband. When she turns to pay the cashier, she says, "now I know why I never come to town."

Excuse me? I just wanted to smack her. Living at home like a hermit isn't the answer. You need to learn some social skills lady, or you are going to be miserable AND alone soon.

She's not the only one trying to cope with stress, everyone is affected. The sooner we learn how to deal with it, the better.

Here are some quick tips that will help keep you calm, cool, and in control when you feel your voice rising and your shoulders are up by your ears. Plus I threw in a little humour.

Tip #1 Breathe

You might be thinking, "of course I breathe, if I didn't I would be dead." True. But did you know that when we are feeling stressed and tense, we breathe shallower? Sometimes we actually "stop" breathing.

My husband Ken has not been sleeping well at all. His heart has stopped so many times, we are both living on the edge. So a couple of nights ago, I was really worried we would end up at emergency again, so I couldn't sleep. He finally fell asleep, and that is when I noticed something very scary! He would actually "stop" breathing for about 4 of my breaths. Then he would start breathing deeply again, slowly tapering off shallower until he would stop altogether. Very unnerving. Another thing we will be traipsing to the doctor about. But that, no doubt, is from stress.

There is a magical solution to reduce stress...."deep breathing." It is best to lie down if you can, but if you can't, just do it standing. Inhale through your nose, counting to 5. Direct your air to the bottom of your abdomen first, then up your chest. Kind of like blowing air into the bottom of the balloon first.

Hold and count to 3. Then exhale fully from your mouth, counting to 5. Push out as much air as you can. Continue to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Tip #2 Smile

Smiling actually changes your mood. It tricks your body because it releases endorphins (natural pain killers) and serotonin (natural uppers). Your blood pressure drops when you smile. Also, your wrinkles now become smile lines, what's not to be happy about that!

Tip #3 Simplify

Look at tangible and physical ways to relieve your stress. Look for shortcuts. Whenever I do my house cleaning and I vacuum the corners or wipe some spots on the wall, Ken calls that "spring cleaning." This is not the time for spring cleaning. This is the time for "lick-and-a-promise."

Everything does not have to be perfect, nor does everything have to be home-made. If you are feeling stressed, then it is not fun, and it just not worth it.

Tip #4 "Make" Time For Yourself

Moms, dads, care givers... listen up. If you are feeling overwhelmed, tired and stressed, then it is time for some "self-care."

When Ken permanently retired over 15 years ago, I found we were together 24-7. Sounds like fun, and for the most part it was. But as his caregiver, it also meant I was on "red alert" 24-7. When my nerves were shot and my hair started falling out in patches, I knew something was wrong.

The solution.... time alone. It is like water to a plant. Time to just think, do what you want, or just do nothing. It can transform you from Jeckyl & Hyde to Cinderella!

So play hide-and-seek with your kids. You hide.... and make sure you hide "damned" good!

Tip #5 When Momma Is Happy.... Everybody Is Happy

The most important tip. Teach this to your children from "infancy!"

Elvie Look: Is your Professional Organizing Coach who is helping people get organized with her easy tips and suggestions. These systems help the busy mom, businessman or woman,  entrepreneur or student learn the keys to organizing in simple, actionable & manageable steps. She teaches how to get organized & maintain your organized space while carrying on your normal busy life. She is the author of "21 Steps From Chaos To Calm" & "One-A-Day Organizing Tips, & "The Relax Without Guilt Video Series."

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5 Secrets to Stress Management

It's pretty difficult to try and get through every single day of your life without letting stress get in the way. Stress, after all, is what exhausts us and make us irritable, It is an unnecessary component in daily living if we wish to feel vibrant and youthful. A number of experts in the world believe that it is the human brain that's the weapon of choice for stress management, and below are some tips that can help you combat stress.

Practice of faith - People who possess a strong sense of faith and are who are religious, live much healthier lives, according to research. It is because of their faith in a higher power that they can deal with life's many troubles a lot easier, finding some tranquility and comfort in knowing that they're a part of a much bigger plan in life. Possessing a prayer-like attitude can help you relieve yourself of any negative energy that could affect your day for the worse.

Meditation - This method is known to provide much relaxation to people, and is also known to lengthen someone's lifespan. Other benefits include lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, increasing mental sharpness, reduction of any chronic diseases as well as preventing anxiety from taking over one's system. All it takes is finding a quiet spot that's free of distractions, 20 minutes of deep breathing, muscle relaxation and positive words entering your thoughts, such as "love", "joy" or "peace."

Basking in your surroundings - Sometimes, we all have to notice the little things that occur around us, the things which make life beautiful, whether it is the chirping of birds amidst the trees, the color of the roses in the garden, or even just the sight of two people walking hand in hand with each other. Stress is brought about by thoughts of your future and how hard you want to achieve your goals. Appreciate your surroundings and live in the moment.

Exercise - Engaging in regular exercise makes for a good stress reliever. Yoga or even a bit of cardio on the treadmill can help you become healthier, thus contributing to better mental and physical alertness.

Laughing every now and then - We all need a good joke to remind us of how funny life can be. Stress management works best with laughter, so watch a few sitcoms on TV, engage in humorous banter with your buddies and even recall funny moments you've experienced in life.

BH Yao invites the online community to read more articles on personal & professional development, building leadership, success skills, and helping people to unlock their true potential at Self Empowering Tips. Check out other articles on Stress and Anxiety.

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How to Relieve Stress and Live a Longer Life

It is no wonder that so many people have been looking for methods how to relieve stress seeing as how it has been proven that stress shortens life in many ways. Not only will it make you restless, it can eventually bring about depression, and even graver problems such as memory loss, weakening of the immune system, and even the development of Coronary Heart Disorder in some cases. While there are various drugs that can be used to relieve stress, there are various physical exercises that you can do in order to relieve stress in a natural way.

How to Relieve Stress - The Importance of Breathing

Most of us go through our daily lives without even realizing that we don't take the time to breathe properly. While you may not realize it, controlling your breathing can actually control the rhythm of your heart, meaning the slower and deeper your breath is, the more relaxed you are going to be. However, when it becomes a question of how to relieve stress breathing deeply will only take you so far, as you will more than likely forget to do it after a couple of minutes. Instead of trying to constantly breathe deeply, you should instead try the following exercise.

This is what I refer to as the 4-7-8: you breathe in as much air as you can in four seconds, you hold it in for seven seconds, after which you take eight seconds to exhale everything and empty your lungs. Not only will this exercise clear your lungs (to a certain extent) and provide your body with a large, fresh dose of oxygen, it will make you feel extremely relaxed after doing it two to three times in a row. Partake in this exercise as often as you please, but make sure to at least do it once a day.

How to Relieve Stress - Exercising and Relaxing your Muscles

Those of you who remember your biology class probably know that whenever you exercise your brain releases endorphins, which are basically natural painkillers. Apart from reducing the pain, they also provide a feeling of extreme relaxation, which explains why you feel sleepy after exercising heavily. Well, as it turns out this little mechanism can go a very long way when it becomes a question of how to relieve stress in a natural way. Apart from simply exercising heavily, there is something a bit more specific that you can do as an exercise.

I simply like to call this exercise the contract and release: as you lie down flat on your stomach with your hands and feet stretched out, flex all your muscles as hard as you can for ten seconds, and then relax and let your limbs fall to the ground. After doing this a few times, you will feel a very pleasant and relaxing sensation surging through your whole body, effectively reducing your stress levels.

All in all, while it is true that you can make use of various drugs and medications when it becomes a question of how to relieve stress, there are some simple and natural measures which you can take that will make your life much less stressful, allowing you to live on longer.

Want to see more articles like this one? Visit my blog to learn more about Strategies For Managing Stress and find helpful hints, resources, and techniques to provide you with results without wasting time or losing focus.

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A Quick Guide to Using Mantras For a Stress Free Mind

If you can understand the art of utilizing mantras, you can understand the art of having a peaceful mind. Mantras can also aid you to be more centered in the quest to achieving your goals and consequently making you more effective in your life.

So what is a mantra? Well, a mantra is energy produced by sound. The sound produced can either be a syllable, a word, or group of words that when repeated by chanting, or sung can produce a certain change in an individual. They can have an influence on numerous features of a person: for example like the mind and also the body.

If you think about it, articulating any word produces a tangible physical vibration. After some time, if you know what the influence of that vibration is, then the vibration can begin to have significance related with the consequence of repeating that word.

You have mantras in all kinds of languages and religions. Like for example, Ave Marie is a familiar mantra chanted by Christians all over the world. Another well -known mantra is the Tibetan mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum this mantra is chanted for world peace.

Everyone knows that everyday life can be hectic and demanding at times. It can appear difficult for you to be able to find ten minutes a day to let go. So what can you do? Well, you can try chanting some mantras. The thing about a mantra is that a mantra is an individualised way of meditating. Mantras can be used as a form of concentrated meditation to bring about constructive changes to all aspects of your life.

The first thing you must do is to choose and remember your mantra. You can use traditional or religious mantras. You can if you want to use sounds such as Aum which is frequently used. Remember if you feel uncomfortable using a certain mantra then just make one up yourself: like, "I want to be more communicative with people." Or whatever you want to achieve. You can even just make your own word up and use it, just as long as it has meaning for you.

The second thing you need to do is find a quiet place away from interruptions for you to utilise your mantra. So you will need to assign a bit of time for that. It doesn't have to be long, about five to ten minutes every day will do, to use your mantra effectually.

Now sit in a position you feel relaxed in and close your eyes. You can now begin and start chanting your mantra. Whilst you are chanting your mantra, take some deep breaths at your own pace and just let the tension and frustration from every part of your body and mind just drift away.

After about five to ten minutes of chanting, you can use about another five minutes to assist you to soak up the mantra you have been meditating on. This will aid you to relieve your mind of the stress and that has been clouding your mind throughout the day. Good Luck!

About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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Some Easy Steps to Using Mantras

Did you know that using mantras could be a great way for you to achieve calmness of mind and life-long serenity? What you must appreciate is that chanting a mantra is not about religious or traditional words. You can make your own custom-made mantra to fit yourself as long as the words mean something to you.

The name mantra originates from Sanskrit and means "implement /instrument of thought". A mantra is a sound made up of a syllable, word, or clusters of words that are recited with the objective of producing a constructive alteration within the person.

Remember that at a deep level the unconscious mind is a united awareness of all the forms of primeval consciousness which subsist all through the material and subtle bodies. The continual use of mantra can delve into the unconscious crystallizing concepts that are accumulated in the organs and glands and then convert these bodily parts into sources of harmony.

These are a few of the advantages of mantra meditation

1 Relieves stress and anxiety

2 Encourages inner peace Nurtures good health and well-being

3 Amplifies the ability to concentrate.

4 Increases energy levels.

5 Awakens your spirituality.

So here are some great steps for you to take so you can start to use mantras.

First step: you need to set a few minutes each day to practice and also find a quiet place.
For best results you will need to practice every-day for about five to ten minutes. You could start the day by chanting a mantra as soon as you get up in the morning. If there is any outside noise then you can always play some meditative background music and if you use some incense this will then help create an appropriate environment for you to chant your mantra in.

Second step: position.
Sit in a relaxed position, either on a chair or crossed legged on the floor. Then relax your whole body and begin taking deep breaths. Now begin chanting the mantra that you have created for yourself. As you chant the mantra, blank your mind and permit your mind to be occupied with calming pictures such as waterfall, or the beach. Do this for five to ten minutes.

Third step: breathe.
After five to ten minutes, finish your chanting and just begin to take deep breaths for another five minutes or so; that last few minutes will permit you to soak up your mantra and aid you to practice to act out your mantra. Now gradually open your eyes and have a good stretch. Now, you are ready to begin the day. Remember you must let go of any worries that may happen about whether you are doing the mantra correctly. It does not matter it is your attitude that matters.

Also remember that you can have a mantra for diverse circumstances. Like for instance, if your children made you annoyed over something trivial, take a step back and take deep relaxing breaths and repeat over to yourself calming words such as, "I feel calm and relaxed." This will aid you to manage your stress level. Good Luck!

About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

To receive free e-courses e-books, audios and videos on self improvement and spiritual development visit our free membership site.

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Taking Life And Yourself Too Seriously Is Unhealthy

Over the years, people have repeatedly told me not to take myself or life so seriously. For the longest time, I struggled with deciding what exactly they meant and if they had given fair consideration of my circumstances at the time; perception is a not always reality. Many times, making this comment about perception fell on deaf ears or simply was too much for someone at the time to understand what was said.

No matter who it is, we are all affected by the convenient hearing virus. It is important at that very moment, but has not lasting relevance once the moment passes. How many people does this apply to in your life? First and foremost, I am guilty of doing this. If there are things on my mind at the moment someone is trying to make a point, there is no guarantee I will remember

Is anyone really being disrespectful and rude by not listening? Most of the time, I venture to say they are just pre-occupied or distracted, but I digress. Getting back to the point of being too serious; when people try to help during someone's challenging times in life, they may not always think about what is going on and how to best approach the individual and the related situation.

Wanting to make a positive difference in a life does not mean that it has to happen "your" way or at that particular time and place. Some of the times when my family or friends would tell me to lighten-up and laugh more, they did not fully understand my predicament or all of the details of what was going on in my life. I love them for caring. Indeed, sometimes they were absolutely right; my focus was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Since those years are past and more experiences have supported their efforts, changes have occurred and my life is much less complicated.

However, the times when they were not understanding what was involved in my situation, for me to try and explain the other side of the story would have caused some of them to become embarrassed, upset and angry, even outright defiant of my version of the problem or problems. It is not always a good idea to express feelings when a confused and stressed mind is in control. The words that fly and actions or mannerisms can be very destructive to all parties.

What was learned over the years involves taking enough time to learn as much as possible about what caused me problems, anxiety, feelings of animosity or disdain towards others has saved my bacon many times. Also, remember that when I say - caused me problems - the reference is about me accepting what was placed before me and allowing hurt feelings or certain emotions to become my mind-set. This is highly destructive and promotes a self-defeating frame of mind. I was simply destroying myself and my integrity with certain inappropriate behaviors of lashing out at others. The culmination of years where the feelings were right there on my sleeves created a loss of friendships, and almost my family.

One of the most beneficial changes made on my part was to begin the concept of self-reflection. Additionally, it was important to learn from these experiences as much and as quickly as possible. Delaying my attention to this problem and not addressing the root of the problem - me, would serve to do nothing but continue the path of self destructive behaviors and alienate those who mattered to me the most.

After spending years of thinking that what I was taught by so many people at a young age and right through my early thirties, established certain mind-sets and convictions that would turn out wrong. So much time had been lost and so many people suffered because of my responses of so-called knowledge or factual statements. Actually, it was exposing my ignorance on certain matters of life and various topics of interest; talk about feeling stupid.

With my recognition of what had transpired in my life, I made it my mission to begin learning as much as possible to correct my mistakes and help others avoid the embarrassment sure to follow if they pursued a similar path. As part of my transition, I began holding others accountable for the information they claim as factual or accurate. Many times, they did not have it quite right. Granted, everyone is free to express their respective opinions, but it crosses a fine line when their opinion becomes a strong suggestion or advice. This is where my weakness fell; believing so many people and having such a naive perception of life and others.

Corrective action was necessary and it was important to me that any action was in a considerate manner. Being mean about being right is sheer arrogance and vengeful. One approach found to be very influential involved setting an example of how to share accurate information without demeaning the other person. Many times finding any part of what was spoken that was true made for a great starting point in order to correct a misspoken fact or circumstance. This went a long way to smoothing over an otherwise awkward moment.

Sharing knowledge with others can be done where they can learn and become engrossed with what is being taught. Lecturing people and pointing out the origin of information as being the source of intelligence - meaning that the lecturer is smarter than everyone else in the room, does nothing more than expose his or her arrogance and self-centered attitude. Condescending attitudes and comments gets you absolutely nowhere. Being slow to speak is far better than being first in line to expose a character flaw.

In summary, learn from others by observing their means of delivering information and the approach used to do so. Place a focus on your words, your deeds, your mannerisms and more successful outcomes are likely in any situation or discussion. Consider yourself as being nothing more than a small fish in a very large pond. Be humble about what you say and how you say it. This can also apply to what you do in various aspects of your life. Being misunderstood can usually be traced back to the source; that would be you.

Find the time to correct any mistakes you recognize that have been made in order to avoid any future problems when speaking to others. Laugh at yourself with family and friends around. Listen to what they may be saying to you about how they feel because of what you said or did. While they should not let their feelings or emotions be controlled by anything you do or say, it will happen and it would help to be sensitive to their thoughts on the matter. Let them know, through humility, that you can enjoy life and not be so uptight all or most of the time.

This one aspect of changing for the better will send a very clear and positive message to everyone, "Hey, I know that I have been a stupid, low-life idiot in the past, but this is the new me!" I would not encourage you to actually say these words, but you get the point; forsake the arrogant attitude and embrace a humble one.

By James R Eberts

Informative Article Writer, Education Specialist and Researcher, Blogger, Snippet Provider, SEO Technical Writer and Researcher, Author, and Volunteer sum up my current endeavors. Integrity in my writing is designed to provide insight and provoke thought for the betterment of those who read my articles.

Please visit my blog by clicking on my name below. Have an outstanding day!

This article was sponsored by James R. Eberts.

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How To Manage The Increased Stress In Your Life After Your Divorce

Divorce is stressful. No one would argue that point. However, life after a divorce brings on new stressors as well. Your life has changed, and these changes can lead to an increase in stress. Tasks that used to be shared now fall on just your shoulders. In addition, there may be additional stressors such as financial stress, relationship stress, and dealing with the Ex. All this additional stress in your life can trigger a plethora of medical issues. However, you can control your stress level. While stress is inevitable, it is also controllable. This article focuses on quick tips that can help reduce the stress in your life.

Practicing deep breathing techniques can really help eliminate stress and get you out of stressful situations. Too often people give in to the stress that surrounds them instead of taking a step back and taking a deep breath. Breathing techniques take it a step further, allowing you to concentrate on calm for several minutes.

Dogs and cats have such a carefree life. If you are stressed out, spend some time with your pets or your neighbor's pets. Play with them and pet them and you will find the worries and stress in your life start to disappear.

Make sure you are making plenty of time for being social. Loneliness is a key factor in stressful situations, and you need to make sure you are spending time with family and friends. This is especially important after experiencing a divorce. Do not isolate yourself. It is important to push yourself to attend events, go to the movies, out to eat as an independent person.

Nice bubble baths, long hot showers, and water therapy in general can help relieve stress. A dip in the pool or the ocean is very therapeutic as well. Walking and exercise releases endorphins, so this can really benefit you when trying to reduce the amount of stress in your life. Ever heard the saying "walk it off?"

Taking quick naps can greatly reduce the stress in your life. Often stress can be caused by lack of sleep and rest, and it can definitely cause you to lose sleep and rest. Therefore, take a quick nap every so often, and you will find yourself refreshed. Try not to sleep more than twenty minutes or it may interfere with sleeping through the night.

Stress is a part of everyone's life, and is especially prominent after a divorce. Stress is inevitable, and left uncontrolled, the results are devastating. Practice the tips in this article, and find ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life today.

Are you ready to move on from your divorce? If so, Lose the Stress After a Midlife Divorce, is a Better Beyond guide filled with useful strategies to transform your life right now. This information packed eBook and a surprise gift is yours FREE just for visiting

Diane Adkins is a certified life coach, certified neuro-linguistic practitioner, and owner of Better Beyond Coaching Solutions, and has dedicated her life to being a Midlife Divorce Recovery Specialist helping women to start living the life they deserve after a midlife divorce.

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How to Live a Stress Free Life

These days, it is hard to find someone who is not living under pressure or stress from one thing or the other. Most people are under various types of stress and increasingly, more people are not handling stress properly, which leads to health related issues and depression.

The state of the world's economy has become a major contributor to many stressed individuals across the globe. In the United States, unemployment rate is about 9.4 percent. The number of people without health insurance is about 49.9 million according to the Census Bureau and the percentage in 2010 of uninsured people is about 16 percent. These are discouraging numbers and understandably why so many people are in fear and under stress of losing their jobs, getting a pay cut, worried about their health, their future and indeed for parents the future of their kids.

Some of the effects of stress are:

Health related issues - high blood pressure, heart disease, fatigues and low immune system.Depression - stress leads a lot of individuals to depression, some without a way out of it.Loneliness - most stressed or depressed people usually suffer from loneliness, which in itself can be a stress contributor.

How does one combat or reduce the effect of stress? How does one live a stress free life? How does one go through life with so much uncertainties without worrying too much and risk living an unhealthy life?

To avoid or combat stress or the state of being stressed, some of the actions one can take are:

Exercise - taking walks and regular medium to high level activities is an excellent way of reducing stress or the effects of stress.
Weight loss - this will improve your brain functions and ultimately help in reducing your stress.
Healthy living - the better types of food you consume, you increase your immunity, combating any stress related factors.
Support group - family, friends and co-workers are very good for your health, as long as you have a healthy relationship with them. Spending time with loved ones ensures that you get the sense of belonging to a select group of wonderful people you want to spend quality time with.
Laughter - the best medicine is no joke. Laughing has been known to improve brain function.
Meditation - a great stress relief activity. Studies have stressed the importance of taking a few minutes: 10-15 minutes of quiet time to reflect and clear your mind and reboot.
Faith - depending on your beliefs, using your faith to your advantage helps you feel better about yourself.

There are so many reasons to want to live a stress free life and living long for yourself and family is the top most on my list. Just remember, when life throws you one of those curves, find a friend, take a walk, meditate, do whatever you can to ensure it does not derail you and produce far more consequences than necessary.

I am a blogger and can be found at
I blog about life in general and mostly living contently.

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Where Is Your Resonance Center?

Our initial voiced sound from the vocal folds (vocal cords) is modulated by the resonance in different cavities in our body. For a speaking voice, there are two major centers of resonance: Head Center & Heart Center.

Most people in this overwhelmed society end up with a voice that mainly resonates from the Head Center. The voice is thin, lack of depth and with a higher pitch. The voice is trapped in the throat, withheld in the mouth and failed to express you freely and fully. This voice is the result of thinking and doing: getting things done, completing another task, or taking control of everything in your life. It disconnects you with your feeling and simply being.

People whose voice resonates from the Heart Center enjoy a fuller, richer and deeper voice. They express their emotions without holding back and assert themselves without hesitation. It's the result of not just thinking and doing, but also feeling and experiencing. It brings balance and harmony to themselves as well as those around them.

Everyone can discover their voice resonance in the Heart Center, connect with themselves from the view of totality, and experience lives fully and freely.

How to achieve that?

Start from breathing properly.

Stresses have made people breathe very shallowly and accumulated tensions in the upper chest, shoulders and neck. That's why your voice is trapped in your throat. It's impossible to resonate from your Heart Center when you are with shallow breath.

Learn to breathe properly and deeply and connect with your voice in a deeper way.

Cynthia is a voice and speech coach and trainer, based in Singapore. She helps you discover your inner true voice that is authentic and confident. She also helps organizations on voice and presentation skills training. To get more updates on voice through articles, podcasts and video lessons, subscribe Cynthia's newsletter on her website -

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Stress Relief Techniques - 3 Effective Ways To Combat Stress Easily

Stress, and stress relief techniques are now part of modern-day culture and society.

Stress is your body's response, emotionally or physically, to the demands you put on it.

Stress is a normal part of life, whether from the environment, our bodies, or our thoughts.

We are all designed to feel and experience stress.

There are two types of stress:

Good stress, and bad stress.

Good stress or positive stress is necessary for life

We need it for our very survival, learning and our creativity. It's also what catapults us to excel, and reach our true and full potential.

Things such as physical exercise, mental challenges and spiritual and emotional fulfillment are activities that put us under some sort of stress and pressure but are all things we ultimately enjoy

Without any of these kind of positive stresses we develop an attitude of complacency, lethargy and boredom.

Now the bad stress is a whole different ball game.

It is this kind of stress that makes our lives worse.

It's the stress that comes from conflict, fear, worry and doubt.

Constant challenges and difficulties without any rest or relief, causes a condition of distress. If untreated this condition leads to physical symptoms of blood pressure, chest pains, weight gain, problems sleeping and eventual disease etc.

So, constant negative stress can decrease your health and the quality of life.

But as I've alluded to above living in today's world, these negative Stress are unavoidable and it's just a fact of life.

So below, I'm giving you three stress-relief tips that you can start following today


There is no more obvious way to relieve stress than relaxing the entire body and bringing it into a state of deep calm and tranquility.

If stress is brought on by our debilitating thoughts of worry, doubt and fear, then replacing them with more calming and peaceful thoughts has to be a good idea don't you think?

The power of Meditation is that it helps create positive and peaceful thoughts to bring us internal peace

The focus of all meditation is deep breathing.

Taking full, deep, cleansing breaths is a fantastic relaxation technique, and is incredibly powerful in keeping your stress levels in check


Despite meditation being advocated as probably the #1 technique to reduce stress, I have to say that exercise definitely ranks up there in my list.

Doing any kind of exercise, whether it's a long run, cardio-gym session, a swim, a weights work-out or a nice brisk walk, it always puts me in a good place.

Exercise is an extremely effective stress reliever and I'll give you some of the reasons below:

·Decreases Stress Hormones- Stress hormones like 'cortisol' can dramatically decrease when exercising, and increase endorphins or our body's 'feel good' chemicals which will naturally lift our mood

· Increased Health and Well-Being- As I've already mentioned, stress can lead to illness and disease. But illness and poor health can also cause stress. With exercise promoting much greater health, fitness and well-being, the stress of worrying about staying healthy and well will be greatly reduced.

· It's A Great Outlet For Frustrations- If you've had a frustrating or difficult day then you can release all these unhealthy emotions and pent-up frustrations by doing a good work-out in the gym or martial arts class.

· Distracts Us From Our Problems- Doing exercise is a great way of removing ourselves from any problems we may be facing, and instead you concentrate our mind and efforts on the task or activity in hand

· Social Support and Interaction- In a general context support from friends and family is a great tool for stress relief. Because exercise and physical usually involves the participation of others, you can have fun working with a partner or friend as well as them helping motivate you to do a harder workout.


Laughter is a powerful and effective tool to manage stress.

There are several benefits to laughter and having a good old giggle.

Extensive research has shown that laughter can reduce stress hormones such as, cortisol, epinephrine and adrenaline. It also been shown to increase more of the body's 'feel good' chemicals such as endorphins and help produce more anti-body producing cells to strengthen the body's immune system and counteract the negative physical effects brought on by stress.

So as I've already said, we all encounter stress at different times in our life.

The good stress are emotions and feelings that we need and should embrace in order to have a less stressful life.

However, it's the bad stuff that we need to be weary of and find some effective ways to deal with it.

Hopefully, the stress relief techniques I've mentioned above will go some way to helping you overcome and conquer its harming and often crippling effects a lot easier.

Stress is now part of our everyday existence. The stresses and worries we constantly have to face make life more challenging and problematic than ever. Learn some proven stress relief techniques that will help you discover a richer, happier, more fulfilling life.

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Workplace Stress Awareness

More and more every day, people find themselves distracted at work. They are not distracted on purpose, their lives have just become so stressful they can no longer concentrate. With rising world events weighing on their mind, to aging parents, and rising food costs, most people do not even know which way to turn.

While many businesses feel that these are personal issues and should be left at home, stress knows no boundaries. It cannot be just shut off, and left at home. When we become stressed, we stay stressed, regardless of where we are. We cannot say, "well I will just not stress about that now and carry on as if normal." The human psyche does not work that way.

We need our employers to be our allies in the struggle to eliminate stress in our lives. Because without that support we struggle to stay focused and do our employers a dis-service by being too stressed to give them our best. When stress becomes too much we often blame our job and begin to look elsewhere.

There are things we can do for ourselves though. For starters we can eat right. Eating the right foods gives our bodies the materials it needs to fight off the effects of stress and stay healthy. We need to exercise regularly, keeping our circulation up gives more oxygen to all our organs and muscles, especially our brain, and that helps fight stress. Taking time out occasionally can allow us to re-energize and give us a better chance to deal with stress.

If we take the time to learn meditation and other relaxation techniques we can learn to relax and reduce our stress over the long run. You can find a wellness centre near you that provides a relaxation room or massage therapy. Many wellness centres also provide other equipment and methods designed to help you relax and feel refreshed. The important thing to remember is that work related can seriously affect your health and raise your chances of having a work related accident.

Do what you can to reduce your personal stress and at the very least, let your employer know if you are having issues with stress so they can decide if they want to help you. It is always in the best interest of the employer to deal with stress since it usually costs less than training a new employee and it makes the whole work environment that much more productive.

Holistic wellness specialist, Dr. Don Lester Ph D utilizes current research and best practices information into a realistic, holistic and practical approach through his dynamic stress and wellness workshops, on-line articles, e-newsletters and media interviews and through a collaboration called Amazing Workspaces.
Visit for more on Dr. Don and his wellness work.

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Stress Relief - How to Incorporate Brain Wave Entrainment in Your Stress Management Techniques

You won't be able to take it much longer.

You're too fat for your fat pants this morning and you'll have to go to the office wearing the sexy dress you wore to your ex-husband's wedding (because you are a modern woman and his getting remarried to your ex-best friend doesn't bother you....yeah) and everyone will look at you like you are pathetic. You'll pick up on this rejection, immediately, and your digestion will do a flip flop. You just know you'll be running to the washroom in the middle of everything.

You've done all of your work, your desk is clear, and the boss frowns as he passes by, and you just know he thinks you're slacking and will by-pass you for the next promotion. Your blood pressure rises, and you start eating that stashed bag of chips in your drawer.

You drive home in rush hour traffic and nearly get hit by a screaming ambulance, and your head pounds.

Your cat, Renaldo, of the Asian variety, has a nervous disorder (you constantly catch him watching himself in the mirror practicing his "meow") and throws up "King of the Sea" all over your scuplted white rug, just as your new boyfriend shows up for dinner. Adrenalin rushes to your head while your red eczema rash erupts all over your chest.

You're under stress. That's the way life is today, but how much stress is too much? Life just gets more and more demanding.

What Happens When You Get Over-Stressed?

If you are an adult, you spend most of your waking time in the beta brainwave state, which highlights thinking, focus, attention, feeling excited, and goal-orientation. Beta begets more beta and too much beta makes you have anxiety, unwanted thoughts, insomnia, addiction, tense muscles, forgetfulness, and even paranoia.

The brain gets used to being in a beta state--rapid thinking, overthinking--and gets hooked on the adrenaline rushes that stress triggers...and then you start messing up because you're forgetting things.

When you are over-stressed, the body tries to naturally bring your mind into the alpha brain wave state by causing you to yawn or gasp for air. Alpha waves are associated with states of peace and relaxation. If you are healthy, dealing with stress, you can shift your brain out of Beta wave--being excited or highly focused--to a calm, flowing Alpha wave state of mind at will. You destroy your ability to generate alpha wave when you experience excessive stress energy in great amounts without a release. You can actually damage your hippocampus.

Addiction happens because your mind is trying to find something to release the pressure.

For the moment, smoking, having a drink, or doing a drug, does exactly that. But then you need more and more to achieve the first effect of release and then prettty soon, no amount does the trick, and by that time, you are both psychologically and physically addicted. You're hooked.

Your mind is overstimulated and releases cortisol, a stress hormone, into the bloodstream. Cortisol impairs your cognitive thinking, suppresses your thyroid, sends your blood sugars all over the place, decreases your bone density and muscle tissue, raises your blood pressure, lowers your immunity, and just for kicks, increases your belly fat, which of course, can lead to heart attack or stroke or death.

If you stay too long in Beta wave without using your Alpha wave to release, you mind and body will start to deteriorate.

And you'll be gorging on carbs.

How Do You Destress and Decompress?

You release that unwanted stress by introducing Alpha brain wave frequency to the brain and you can do that easily with brain wave entrainment. Alpha wave releases neuropeptides that include endorphins and serotonin and put your body into a natural "high". It just makes you feel a wonderful sense of relief.

Brain wave entrainment, specifically designed in Alpha, is introduced to the brain as an audio stimulus and will quickly and easily cause the brain to follow and mimic that frequency. You'll leave the stress of Beta and breathe and release in Alpha in a manner of minutes. It takes just 6 minutes for the brain to start to entrain.

Responding to the immediate effects of stress lessens the long-term and mental effects of stress.

Brain wave entrainment can help you develop a healthier lifestyle assisting your mind to relax and release whenever you choose. It's as easy and putting your ear phones on and listening.

Need To Decompress?

Download your free copy of "Decompress" and get Stress Relief.

Click Here and start destressing today.

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Natural Remedies For Stress Relief: Get Rid of Stress Once and for All

Handling stress is something that is not easy to do, and getting rid of it is not easy either. It turns out everyday, when new challenges and responsibilities come so we cannot actually avoid it. Other than worrying about it, one must know how to face it. With the help of some natural remedies for stress relief, getting rid of stress will be as easy as 1-2-3...

Here is some information on herbs that can help in solving such problems:

• Stress vs. Tarragon

Tarragon (Artemisia Vulgaris) is an aromatic herb that fights stress effectively. It is sometimes called dragon herb, estragon herb, or mugwort and is commonly found in Europe, Asia, India, and North America. This herb is one of the best natural remedies for stress relief because of its many uses including pain relief due to stress, improved appetite, antioxidant, digestive aid, etc. It makes a person feel relaxed, free of tension, and relieved from anxiety and stress. It also induces good sleep at night.

• Stress vs. Rosemary

When talking about natural remedies for stress relief, Rosemary (Rosmarini Officinalis) should definitely be included. It has remarkable effects on the body and mind of a person. Mainly, it relaxes the muscles making good blood flow to the eyes and brain. Thus, it makes a person's thinking clear as well. It is commonly used as tea or in aromatherapy, wherein smelling rosemary extracts helps in lowering the cortisol level of a person. Having high levels of cortisol induces stress and rosemary surely helps by also calming the nerves. It also repairs and strengthens the nervous system making it ready to handle stress.

• Stress vs. St. John's Wort

Though it is considered to be the most effective natural remedies for stress relief, St. John's wort needs more careful use than other herbal medicines. It is a valuable relaxing herb that provides long-lasting effects in the body. It helps during menopausal stage of women too. It has been recommended in many countries around the world to have actually cure depression. But it cannot provide immediate results because herbal treatment using St. John's Wort takes for about three months. There are also side effects like photosensitivity (sensitivity to light), dizziness, etc. It cannot be taken by some people who suffer from epilepsy and may possibly interact with other medicines like hypertensive drugs and contraceptive pills. It is always wise to ask a doctor's advice before going on an herbal treatment.

Applying these natural remedies for stress relief will help you reduce stress in your life and improve your relationships at the same time.

Edyta helps people combat stress. Discover the best stress relief techniques via her free report. Click this link to get her Stress Relief FREE Download!

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