3 Seconds to See What Stress Is And How to End It

In three seconds, you are engaged in reading this article, your life has changed and you are completely stress-free.

You are stress-free because you are focused on the current moment, the here and now. Your life changing knowledge is that all stress is outside of the here and now.

Now you know how to end stress, by staying focused on the current moment. When you live in the current moment, stress is nowhere to be found. But when you think about the past or predict the future, you open the door to stress. That is also where you will find anger, sadness and fear.

Did you ever imagine such a simple solution to living completely stress-free? If you believe me, that this is the key to ending your stress, then you are probably focused on the current moment, and you are the proof it's true.

If you doubt that the way to end stress is this easy, you are basing that on past experience (includes "gut feeling") or a future prediction.

If you think about the stress in your life in recent times, is it really at this moment, like you are trapped in a burning building, or is it because of past experience or future prediction?

People often blame their stress on a relationship, job, finances and bad experiences, to name a few. People or circumstances do not cause stress. It is caused by your reaction to people or circumstances.

Do you remember when you were a kid, stress-free and happy? You were focused on the current moment. How about when you are engaged in your favorite activities? You are stress-free and happy, right? Isn't that the way you want to feel all of the time?

If you think about all the times when you are stress-free and happy, that is the reason why - you are living in the here and now. Whether it be reading a book, having sex, playing cards, eating something awesome or meditating. Now, do you believe me?

If you are like most people, you probably won't believe that the key to stress-free happiness can be yours simply by living in the current moment. So why haven't you known this all along? It has a lot to do with what you have been taught - that stress is part of life and you just need to control it. It simply isn't true.

Stress is not part of my life. It doesn't have to be part of yours or anyone's life. You didn't start your life that way, did you? Stress can be completely ended. Stay with me, here in the current moment, and I will tell you how. But first, take a moment to savor this moment. Take a deep breath in and let it out slowly, as you experience stress-free unconditional happiness.

The current moment is perfect. Even if you are doing something awful, it can be perfectly awful. The best part is, this is your inherent true nature. You don't have to do anything to achieve it. It is always with you. You are inherently stress-free and unconditionally happy. The here and now is also where you find pure truth and honesty, like this article. I don't want you to take my word for it. You be the judge.

You worry about the future and dwell on the past, don't you? So the challenge is going to be training your mind to live in the here and now. Luckily, our minds are easy to train with a method it easily understands. You can begin right here, right now. Are you ready to end your stress?

Begin by paying closer attention to your attention. Concentrate on what you are doing and be aware if your mind starts to drift. Whenever you get unwanted thoughts of the past or future, acknowledge them by saying, "Thinking of the past" or "Thinking of the future." Then bring your attention back to what you were doing at that moment and say, "I want to live in the here and now." It won't be long until you are instantly aware and make the correction. Be patient with yourself. You have been drifting for a long, long time.

Common thoughts that pull you away from the current moment and cause stress, have a lot to do with expectations for yourself or perceived expectations of others. Thoughts like, "I've got to get this done by __" or "I can't do everything" or "She expects miracles from me" or "I can't handle one more thing to go wrong" or "I don't know how he does it, I guess I'm not good enough" or "How can I do that, plus everything else I have to do?" You can acknowledge thoughts like this by saying, "Awful thought."

In summary, you are undergoing the training method I call, "Thought Watching." It is three easy steps: Observe, Acknowledge and Let it go. When you do this, you will be letting go of stress. You will be rewarded for your efforts, every step of the way, because you will be living in the here and now, stress-free and happy. It's a beautiful thing.

Kurt Arrow, Personal Achievement Consultant. A psychology major and over forty years experience was only the beginning. Kurt's spiritual enlightenment gave him a deep and profound understanding of human nature, making him uniquely qualified to offer, not only knowledge, but wisdom. He has devoted his life to helping others achieve stress-free unconditional happiness. Kurt is a consultant, motivational speaker and holds happiness seminars around the world. His 12 Day Self-improvement program is easy to understand, quick to learn and offers immediate results. The life changing first three days are free on the website at http://happiness-for-sale.com/ so please stop in for a visit today.

Original article

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