Reduce Stress And Boost Performance With These Simple Steps

It is becoming more evident that stress level in today's workplace is getting higher and higher. Common sense dictates that something must be done to rectify the situation.

In reality however, those who are responsible to handle this task are more interested to touch only on the surface of the matter which has minimal or zero impact to the people and organization. People who are distressed do not need to know the mechanic of stress and its consequences as if it is a newfound virus. They want to know how to effectively manage it, preferably at the very moment it occurs.

Far too many people are shying away from surveys or exercises that requires them to fill in the blanks and answering questions about their stress level, better known as 'stress assessment'. Somehow such exercise leads to more stress and achieve little.

A better resolution, perhaps, is to focus on direct and practical measures to bring down stress level and at the same time prove to people or organization that the issue is being managed to the best of effort without wasting time, money and manpower. In short, it tells others that managing stress is a serious business.

Here are few simple steps to start with:

Communicate clearly in print or electronically that the debilitating effects of stress have been made known to everyone. Through this communication, people can recognize when they are in stress based on its symptoms and they must know how to effectively manage it, at least at their level. It is also important to communicate the importance of getting assistance if the level is too high to be managed on their own, and appoint a dedicated person to handle such instances.

That being said, it is recommended to have a clear 'standard operation procedures' that people can easily follow when they find themselves in stress. For example, what they need to do? Who can they talk to? What else can they do if the preceding steps are not producing any results? Of course, the most important thing is to emphasize that successful stress management starts with them, not someone else.

Confusion and feeling of overwhelmed can lead to stress thus it is important for everyone to be very clear with their tasks and roles. Reviewing them with those in charge in a frequent interval is recommended so that any stress build-up can be handled right at the gate. Most people find it easy to turn tail and run rather than confronting with workload issue face to face. If you are the person in charge, noticing an overworked team member is important because you can assist them before things get out of hands.

People need to be reminded more than informed so always make the effort to touch on stress, its adverse effects and how to manage it at every given opportunity. The more people are reminded about this issue, the more attention they will pay to it. Plus, if the issue keeps resurging, they will know that it is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. Handling stress is not a onetime event anyway.

Keep people up-to-date with effective stress management. If that means spending part of the company profit or allocating special expenses to achieve this, so be it. People well beings and their sound mental state are much more important than expenses. There are enough evidences to support the high cost of stress if not managed properly at workplace or at home. Look at such spending as investment with higher return. After all, people are an organization biggest asset.

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